We Are Making Rebels Not Disciples

In the age of instant coffee, instant noodles, instant miracles, and all other instant what have you – the modern church is raising instant rebels and not disciples.

Jesus said to the early Apostles, go ye into the world and make disciples of all nations. That is the reason why we have Christianity today. But what are we making? Rebels and not disciples.

Recently I visited my aunt and we were to go to church on Sunday, she began to tell me how she loves to attend the first service which is an hour and then Sunday school which most likely may not exceed an hour.

One hour for the rebel was the constant word in my mouth. I have seen wickedness in the modern Christian circle, it is the instant service without worship. What have we done? All in the name of having our attendance increased we have accommodated rebels who are unsaved. We may increase our church membership, but we are also increasing the number of rebels.

This rebel has seven days in a week and just 4hours out of it seems to be too much to give to God.

What does an hour service do to a soul? No wonder hungry souls in the modern church dies of starvation. We are trending into recruiting more church-going hell marching folks, and satan is happy.

What is the complaint, Sunday is the only day they have to rest? Really, this rebel most probably spent more than 12 hours a week on social media and just an hour of sermon becomes a big deal. When we are done raising these rebels who can not endure the presence of God, Satan will be well happy to welcome them into hell.

My aunt mentioned how a former pastor had to compromise because during one of the ‘church in conferences’ the members told him that it was because he sees people on sit that’s why he preaches lengthy sermons. Who makes that kind of statement but a pure rebel.

Where is the joy that David spoke about, ‘I was glad when I was told, let us go into the house of God’, or of his insatiable desire to be in the house of the Lord, ‘I’d rather be a doorkeeper in your house than dwell in the tent of wickedness.’

Do these people really rest on Sunday? Do they not give themselves to more pleasure as they have during the week? Somehow we are raising more sin-conditioned Christians in suits.

We need to repent, no wonder our young people are without direction because there are no Fathers who prays and give themselves to God.

How do you split an hour service? When do we get to pray, worship, read the word, listen to sermons and respond to the message by praying?

The whole service cannot have a combined prayer time of 15 mins in my estimation. This rebel probably did not pray or open his Bible for the whole week and now you want to help his life in under 30 mins sermons. We need to wake up and seek God as of old.

The problem is not with men but with we preachers, we lack the power and the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Men know we are not God-dependent but tithe dependent. So our livelihood is at stake if we stick to our gut. God will be gracious to raise better men for himself. It won’t belong.

Let us bear in mind that we preachers are responsible for the souls of men and we will account for them. As these instant rebels multiply, the problems of the modern church have been on the rise. We need God to brood on us, but first we must repent ourselves.

May God send revival to His church. Amen.

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