Text: John 8:32 KJV
Further Reading: Luke 4:32-41
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32
People today run from one place to another seeking all forms of deliverance while they continue to ignore God’s means for their deliverance I.e the word of God.
It is sad to see believers, those who are blood washed entangled in this toilsome labour of the flesh. They go from one mountain to the other, from one prophet to another and they are still bound. So sad to see many false prophets take advantage of people today all in the name of deliverance when all their freedom is Christ.
If you are living in sin, you are still in bondage. The Bible calls you a lawful captive of the devil whose first deliverance must be from sin. (Isaiah 49:24). Any man who administers any form of deliverance to a sinner other than the offer of salvation from sin is only increasing the sinner’s woe.
Indeed my people perish for the lack of knowledge of the deliverance in God’s word. The Bible says that God has delivered you from the power of darkness and has translated you into the kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:13). Every deliverance you need is the word of God.
Truth is powerful – truth liberates, truth demystifies, Truth cannot be denied, truth prevails. In our text of the day, Jesus declared that when a man knows the truth, the truth sets Him free. Jesus is both the Truth and the word of God (John 14:6; 1:1-5).
God’s desire for you is freedom and not bondage so that you can serve him without fear (Luke 1:74). Every deliverance I have gotten by God’s grace has come from the word of God. God brought me victory over sin by the revelation of His word (Romans 6, 1 John 3:9).
Once sin is out of the way, the curse of the law is destroyed. (Galatians 3:13-14). Until you believe that His word has enough power to deliver, you will not have rest. Every page of the Bible contains God’s word for your deliverance. Sit and stop running around, study the Bible.
In our further reading, you will see the active power of the word of Christ to deliver. All He has to do is send His word to you and deliver you from your destructions (Psalms 107:20). The deliverance you need is right in His word.
Maybe the greatest deliverance most believers need today is from unbelief, yet faith is produced by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17).
Stop wasting your time and resources seeking help where there is no help. If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus ask God to deliver you from sin and begin to apply the word of God to your life. I assure you that total victory will be yours.
And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power.
Luke 4:32
The word of God has power for your deliverance. All you need to do is study His word and believe it.
Father, please let your word bring me total deliverance as I study it.