Text: Genesis 12:10 KJV
Further Reading: Psalms 37:1-11
And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land.
Genesis 12:10
When God saves a man, it is a call out of the world into a new kingdom. Scriptures speak of a translation or translocation from the devil’s kingdom of darkness into God’s kingdom of light.
The devil often places a great hindrance on the path of the believer. The attempt is usually a systemic attack on his faith.
One of the many challenges the enemy throws our way is famine. Famine represents dryness, fruitlessness, lack, difficult toils and so on. It is at this time we must hold on to the word of God rather than make a compromise to turn back.
One of God’s precious promises is to satisfy us in times of famine but not before we have proved our steadfastness and loyalty to His unfailing promises (Psalms 37:19).
In our text of the day, we saw Abram take his journey down to Egypt. Egypt is a spiritual representation of the world and its system governed by the evil one. It also means compromise and backsliding.
Every time a man goes to Egypt, it is a downward journey. He loses his spiritual power, vision, stamina, purpose and anointing. God does not want that for you.
Since ours is a journey of faith, God’s children cannot lean on their understanding, but rather trust Him to direct our path. It is at this time we must patiently wait for His salvation (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Do you wait for His instructions when faced with a challenge or do you quickly apply your sense? God brought Abram out of heathendom but he led himself to Egypt. He did not ask God or wait for God’s direction, he just went.
Who led you into that job, marriage, relationship, or business you are into now? Is it God or one of those ideas of Egypt? Any time you leave the will of God for alternative self-will, it is a downward journey into Egypt – do not go there.
Are you considering going out of your marriage and divorcing your wife or husband? You will be going down to Egypt. Stick to God and trust Him for help. Has God placed over a small congregation as a preacher, or in little school as a school teacher, or anywhere you are now? Don’t leave your Canaan land to Egypt (Genesis 26:1-2).
No matter how hard the famine is, do not move until God asks you. God is faithful to bring abundance in the famine as He did for Isaac who sowed in the land and reaped a great harvest during the famine (Read Genesis 26).
You can also count on the faithfulness of God in the time of your famine. He will never disappoint you. Are you about to go to Egypt because of the famine? Wait on God, He will come and fulfil his promise to you (Psalms 42:11).
Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
Psalms 37:3
Rather than going down into Egypt, trust the Lord and He will feed you in the land.
Father, please help me to trust you in the time of famine. Please send me your word of assurance and comfort.