Russian-Ukraine War: Who Is Winning?

Why the church should pray

It is time to give a proper perspective to the ongoing conflict in eastern Europe and see through the lens of eternity. It is a serious call to contemplation and soul searching for us who claim heaven as our eternal home. We must with a clear mind begin to understand the eternal implication of this war or any other war.

Much great analysis has been given as to why this war started and many so-called peace deals have been tried to be brokered by different nations.

So away from the popular media, and let us consider the prized asset of contention in this conflict, not the Donbas Region as Russia claims nor the national sovereignty as Ukraine maintained, it is a war for souls.

The human soul is the most prized and costly asset of any nation. No nation however developed it may be can exist without humans. This is not a mere territorial dispute, No! It is a war to draw more souls into hell. Satan has used war, diseases and many other schemes to quickly terminate the souls of men.

An ancient battle for the souls of men is playing out right in our faces. The devil’s trophy as it were are souls drowned in hell. It has always been a battle against God’s masterpiece (man) and his end game has been drawing as many souls into eternal perdition.

Not that I in any way approve of the Russian invasion of a sovereign nation, No! But to give us light into why the Christian community must pray for the end of this conflict and other internal conflicts in nations ripping souls apart and sending them into Hell.

We must rise to pray now. According to the UN human right statistics, there has been 1842 confirmed civilian death and 2493 have been injured in this conflict as of 11th April 2022 – many of who might not know the Lord Jesus or have a right-standing with God and have drowned eternally.

We must pray now that our eyes are opened to the truth about the devil’s scheme to send more souls into eternal destruction. Men are appointed to die once and face judgments, many of whom have faced sudden death in this war without any preparation to meet their God, and are lost eternally.

With death tolls rising on both sides in military personnel, it is safe to say In the light of eternity that none is winning but the devil who is claiming more souls into hell.

So, how many more will be lost is the question? With your prayers, we know that God will make the war cease and there will be a rebuilding of the ruined nation under God. This is the only saving hope for the nations that are being torn down by wars.

We must pray now or never.

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