Text: Genesis 12:13 KJV
Further Reading: Genesis 12:11-16
Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee.
Genesis 12:13
One of the most difficult questions to answer when following Jesus is “What is your plan?” – a question that will be asked over and over again. Trying to explain many times may also be difficult because what God Is saying to you does not make sense to natural human reasoning.
It is at this point that you must trust God for the grace to stand firm on His unfailing word. Your Christian walk is a trust walk – you are following Jesus, not your senses. Your sense and wisdom will fail but Jesus never fails.
You will be surprised not by the contradiction of unbelievers but by believers held in high esteem. But through it all, let God lead you always.
Does it mean that you should be void of plans? No! But let your plans be guided by God and you must commit it unto Him. The Bible says that you commit your ways unto the Lord and trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass (Psalms 37:5).
In our text of the day, the man Abram without consulting God left the promised land for Egypt. He devised a compromise of the way that would have aborted the promise of God for his life when he told Sarai to pretend not to be his wife.
What was Abram’s plan all about? a plan for survival, a plan to get food to eat and not die, a plan for personal glory and not for God’s glory. We have been told that these are the things the unbelievers seek, but we must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing will be added unto us (Matthew 6:32-33).
God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not ours; He uses the foolish things to confound the wise and turn the strength of the mighty to nothing using the weak things. His strategies and plans are many times ridiculous to man, but they have never failed once (Isaiah 55:8-11).
A search through the scripture will prove this: Jericho fell because of such plans (Joshua 6), The Midianites were defeated because of His plans (Judges 6,7), and Jehoshaphat got a mighty victory because of such plans (2 Chronicles 20). There are so many stories in the Bible that prove that following God’s way is the best.
If you will follow His humanly foolish plans, then you are wise. Since He knows the end from the beginning, you can trust His wisdom to guide and provide grace to walk on the right path (Psalms 32:8).
Are you about to make your plans after knowing what God wants for you because things are not working as you think? Wait upon the Lord and be of good courage, He shall strengthen your heart, wait upon the Lord I say (Psalms 27:14).
Every time a child of God makes his own plans, he leans further into self-destruction. Learn from King Asa who forsook God to pursue his own plans. He trusted in his wisdom and lost what God has prepares for him. He died of a disease in his feet and worse still, he died a backsider (Read 2 Chronicles 14,15,16).
This is a call for self-examination and repentance. Have you made plans based on your own thinking, or have you ditched God’s plans for yours? That is where you must repent.
Are you struggling to understand His ways and dealings, trust God for grace, always remember that His grace is sufficient for you.
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
Proverbs 16:3
Ditch all the plans you have carved out for yourself outside God and let him take the lead. Ask God to guide your plans moving forward and your foot shall not slide.
Father, please help guide my plans and do not let my feet slide.