God Knows Your Needs

Text: Genesis 14:18 KJV

Further Reading: Genesis 14:17-19

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.

Genesis 14:18


God knows our needs, He values us above every other thing made. If you are born-again, you are not just a mere person but an object of His love and grace.

The Bible says, God numbers the hairs on your head and not one will fall without His knowledge. It shows that Jesus cares for us and He knows our needs part. He knows when you need Job, He knows when you are alone and need to be married, He knows when you need a child, He knows everything (Luk 12:7).

The Bible calls Jesus our great High Priest who can feel all that we feel and attend to us in the best way. No matter what battle you are in right now, the Almighty God will give you victory.

When Abram went out to rescue Lot, I see God not only give Abram victory but met his immediate physical need. The word of God recorded that God visited him, and brought bread and wine to him.

Melchizedek the priest of the most high God as later recorded was a shadow of Christ brought the supply to Abram (Read Hebrews 5, 7). Can you see the providential care of our God?

This reminded me of the fleeing and depressed prophet Elijah and how God fed him with a supernatural meal that was able to carry him on a forty days journey (1 Kings 19:1-8). God knows your need even before you have them and He is more than willing to meet them.

But you must cast all your cares and burden on Him. Allow Him to work the way He wanted. After all, we cannot force Him to do anything for us. He gives us more than our earthly parents could. He gives liberally without upbraids not (Psalms 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7; James 1:5).

Beloved, God is on your side, simply roll all your cares on him. Let not your heart be troubled, neither be dismayed. Be still and know that He is your God.

Not only did God supply Abram’s immediate needs, but He also blessed him. I want to encourage you to hold fast to God amid the growing economic difficulties, He will satisfy you early with His mercy and fill you with His bountiful blessings.


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Philippians 4:6

Don’t forget that Jesus lives forever to pray for you before the Father – therefore you can be sure that His grace will keep you till the end.


Father, thank you because you care for me, I roll all my cares and burdens unto you this day.

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