Text: Jude 1:24 KJV
Further Reading: Exodus 14:9-14
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
Jude 1:24
The salvation Jesus offers is a complete package. It is an all-encompassing privilege to live in this body by faith in the Son of God till victory. Christ does not save and leave you in the hands of your enemies or allow the devil to continue to afflict you without cause.
God is mighty to keep you from falling short. The word of God says He will not permit your feet to slide because He constantly watches over you day and night. He will also shield you from physical and spiritual harm. Though evil is all around you, Jesus will keep and preserve you from evil (Psalms 24)
Some believe Jesus has the power to save them from sin but not deliver them from the enemy or meet their needs. Others have opinions that He can save but He cannot give them victory over sin. Whatever the schools of belief you may represent, Jesus is not limited by any situation or circumstance. He is the master over the storms as well as the King over death.
Scripture says that your spirit, soul and body be kept till Jesus appears. God can make you clean every part of your life. The power and might of Jesus Christ is without limitation (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
If you doubt anything, consider Lazarus who was dead for four days and was brought to live by Christ’s resurrection power. Jesus’ power is able to save both in this world and through eternity. Remember, He has come to give you life and more abundantly (John 11, John 10:10).
Therefore beloved, is there any area of your life where you think the Power of the Lord Jesus cannot touch? Have you got any river that seems impossible to cross or a mountain that you cannot climb or tunnel through?
Don’t be afraid, Jesus is the Master over all things created. Do not forget the red sea and how it parted ways or the great Jericho wall and how it fell down flat, God is able to do the same for you. It is written, who or what is that mountain before you, it will turn to plain by God’s Spirit/(Zechariah 4:6).
Everytime you are faced with any situation that stands to defy your God, do not bow to it, rather confront such with great confidence by saying, “My God is Able”. He will prove Himself in your life and family in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matthew 28:18
All Power in heaven and earth belongs to Jesus. Have you tried Him?
Father, please apply your saving power to confront all the problems of my life.