Text: Genesis 17:7 KJV
Further Reading: Genesis 17:7-14
What God wants to do with our lives is not limited to us. Every time God makes a covenant with a man He does it for him and his generation after him. That is why parents who walk with God are not only blessed but the blessings of God are also passed to their children.
On the other hand, if you happen to live in Africa you will realise how children after so many generations suffer as a result of the covenant made by their forefathers with the devil. People from idol-worshipping families are many times tied to those demons spiritually and are being oppressed.
Having laid this foundation, I want to admonish parents and children to serve the Lord. When you give yourself to God, you are securing future blessings for your children. Chosen today whether you will serve God or Idols.
Do you remember that the entire humanity became a part of the punishment of Adam? Likewise, those who come to Jesus are brought under a new and better covenant.
In our text of the day, God told Abraham, I will not only bless you but your children and I will be their God. It is incredible that the obedience of one man could work such a generational blessing to future descendants. This became true because the Scripture says that the blessings of Abraham now come upon we who are gentiles (Galatians 3:13-14).
Another illustration can be drawn from the life of David, a man who walked with God. When God made a covenant with him, it was also for his children. David secured an everlasting inheritance for his children, such that the Lord Jesus was called the son of David after the flesh. (Read Psalms 89).
I believe God is bringing this instruction to us so that we can draw close to Him. He has not called the house of Jacob to seek Him and vain, neither will He call you in vain (Isaiah 45:19). The blessing God has for you is bigger than what the world can offer. Because God keeps His covenant, you can be sure that He will bring even many generations after you into the blessings.
Therefore, I appeal to the sinners to seek the Lord now while He may be found, call upon him while is near, let the sinners forsake their sinful ways and the unrighteous their evil thoughts and let them call upon the Lord who is mighty to save and abundantly pardon (Isaiah 55:6-7).
Apart from all the blessings on earth, He has promised to take us to heaven where all sorrows, troubles, trials, and pains will be over. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for those who love and serve Him dutifully (John 14:1-3). Will you be there?
Give yourself wholeheartedly to God and He will establish His thoughts and blessings upon your future generations.
Father, I give myself to serve and live wholeheartedly for you from today.