Text: Genesis 17:17 KJV
Further Reading: Genesis 17:15-17
Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?
Genesis 17:17
Some promises of God seem too good to be true because of the circumstances and situations surrounding those promises. Those promises just seem to be illogical and above the human’s mental ability to digest. Yet, our God is a specialist in doing the impossible.
Maybe you are in the most impossible situation and you have been humanly deemed for death or ruin, God is saying to you today, I will do it. The Bible says in the Book of Revelation that Jesus is the One who can open the doors that no man can shut and then when He opens a door nobody can open it (Revelation 3:7-8).
I don’t know how medically impossible your case may be but I am saying with all confidence that Jesus will heal you. Martha told the Lord, “Master, you are too late, he is dead and buried for days” (John 11:39). Jesus said if you believe you shall see the glory of God (John 11:40). Place all your faith and trust in Jesus, He will do the impossible for you.
God is the God of all possibilities, he does what the power and wisdom of man can not do with ease. Those things which are impossible with men are great possibilities with God. Do you believe it?
In our text of the day, we read about God’s incredible promise to Abraham concerning Sarah. God said, she would have a son for Abraham at ninety years old and it was just too difficult for even the man who was the father of faith to believe at the time. The Bible said, “Abraham laughed”. The Lord will give you a testimony that will cause you to laugh in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sarah at this stage had passed the age of menopause, scientifically she can’t give birth, but God made scientists and nature and He can reverse engineer even a dead womb to carry a living child. Our God is indeed the almighty. In Ezekiel 37:1-10, God caused dry bones to live again. What then is your situation before His limitless Power? I decree into your life today that every dry bone in your life shall rise again. Amen.
Because God is not man and He is sovereign, you can present any case to Him however humanly impossible it is. Many people in Western nations no longer believe in miracles because they think they have got it all figured out and can live without the Almighty God. But we who live in Africa will tell you, that God still does miracles.
Let me give you one mighty testimony of divine intervention over an entire continent. When coronavirus broke out, it was thought that Africa will be affected so badly due to the lack of proper medical facilities and equipment but we cried unto the Lord and God saved us. The African continent recorded few deaths due to corona.
If God did this for an entire continent, He can do for you mightier things. Only if you believe, you will see God’s mighty salvation. The more reason why I call you to trust fully in Jesus for your salvation and sustenance. Jesus saves, heals and performs great miracles even today.
And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.
Mark 10:27
Praise the Lord who is strong and mighty and who still performs great miracles today.
Father, please give me and my family miracles that defy science and logic in Jesus’ name.