No More Barrenness

Text: Genesis 25:21 NKJV

Further Reading: Genesis 25:19-26

Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

Genesis 25:21 NKJV


Barrenness is a state of unfruitfulness. When one seems to labour so hard and gets nothing to show for it. Consider a student who studies so hard but could not make headways in his study or an artisan who works very hard but makes little profit. These categories of individuals are experiencing barrenness.

Barrenness can be physical or spiritual. Lack of children in marriage, unproductiveness in business, and hardship in the land are all forms of physical barrenness. For example, the people of Jericho were experiencing unfruitfulness in their land because it was barren. Though the location of the city was good, it was not yielding her increase (2 Kings 2:19).

Barrenness can be frustrating because it turns a man into a failure despite hard work. My prayer for everyone experiencing physical barrenness today is that the Lord will visit you and heal your land.

In our text of the day, we saw that Rebekah and Isaac were experiencing physical barrenness. They could not have children until Isaac prayed to God. You must do what Isaac did if you are experiencing barrenness. No matter what form of barrenness you may be experiencing in your life, God can turn that barrenness into fruitfulness. Make sure however that you are on the Lord’s side.

Have you been failing in business or your career? Cry to God today as Hannah did in Shiloh and God will turn things around for your good.

Just as God healed the barren land of Jericho and gave Isaac double for his shame, He can also turn your barrenness into great testimony. Barrenness is not for you because God has promised that none of His children will be barren. Take His word to Him and expect your miracle soon.

But are you a child of God? A sinner will continue to grope in darkness and barrenness. The more reason why you must decide for Jesus today – so that He can deliver you from the power of darkness and bring you into a new life of fruitfulness.


No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days.

Exodus 23:26 NKJV

God’s will is that you be fruitful, therefore say no to barrenness. You will no more miscarry in Jesus’ Name.


Father, Please terminate every form of barrenness in my life and family in Jesus’s Name. Amen.

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