Doers Of The Word

Text: James 1:22 NKJV

Further Reading: James 1:22-25

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

James 1:22 NKJV


Many hear the word of God today but will neither obey nor practice it. Many sinners have heard the gospel message but ignore it.  Such a person will not receive the blessing of salvation because he refused to apply the word he has heard to his life by responding to the call for salvation.

The word you don’t obey or practice will never produce a great effect on your life. God told the children of Israel that the only condition to be blessed is to diligently pay attention to His law. It must be obeyed and practised (Read Deuteronomy 28).

We have many people in the Christian circle today who are merely deceiving themselves because week after week they hear the word but won’t pay attention or apply them to their lives.  Though they hear the word, the word has no real impact on their lives.

Believers must be intentional and determined to practice the word of God. Many have heard messages on forgiveness and yet they will not forgive those who offend them. Such is a hearer alone and not a doer of the word. Are there black spots in your life? Intentionally apply the word of God to them. You will see how the word will transform your life.

The Lord compared those who hear the word without practising it to a foolish man whose house is built on sands which when the storms and floods of life come, is swept away because it lacks foundation. But those who hear and practice the word are compared to a wise man whose house is built on solid rock, which can withstand all the forces of nature without yielding or falling (Matthew 7:24-27). Are you wise or foolish?

The beauty of the word of God is that if a child applies it to his life, he will be transformed by its life-changing power. Parents should help children adapt to this principle early in their lives.

Those who read the scriptures and apply the truth to their lives are blessed indeed. Until you have obeyed and practised the word of God, don’t complain that you are not blessed by the word of God.


And that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

Luke 12:47 NKJV

It is dangerous not to practice the word of God because every word heard will stand against you in judgement.


Father, please grant me the grace to be a doer of your word and not hearer alone.

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