Text: Mark 3:14 NKJV
Further Reading: Luke 10:1-3
Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach.
Mark 3:14 NKJV
Whenever Jesus saves a man, it is that through him others can come to the light. God’s concept of multiplying believers is quite unique. It is a discipleship model. Other religions may try to gain dominance and influence by having more children born into their families, but it is not so in the gospel.
This is because the Christian faith is practical. Everyone must personally decide to follow Christ. Though you are born in the church, until that decision is made and you become born again, you are no different from a pagan worshipping stone and carved idols.
God is intentional about what He wants to make out of every saved soul. He wants them all to go and save others. Imagine all the Christian in your community bringing a person to Faith yearly, and the new believers also bring others. You can be sure that in a few years, that would be a Christian society. Until we all come to understand this role that Christ has given us, many around us will keep dying and wasting eternally.
The Bible says that the Lord called his disciples so that they can learn from Him, learn His ways, and understand the principles of the Kingdom of God. Through observation and interaction, they must come into the Kingdom’s life, and afterwards, they will be sent to teach others the things they have learned.
The testimony of Apostle John will show you the level of impact the process of learning from Christ had on them.
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— I John 1:1 NKJV.
It was a practical experience. Those early believers so much exhibited the life of Christ that people were forced to call them Christ-like people or Christians.
But this training was for them to go out and teach others. In our further reading, we saw how the Lord sent them out in twos’ so that they can go and preach to others. The Lord was not going to keep them to Himself but that they too must go and bring forth abiding fruits into the Kingdom of God.
The condition for the believer to remain in Christ is to bring many like fruits into the Kingdom (John 15:2). Are you saved and sure of your salvation? You have been saved so that you can go out and save others.
The final order from the Master before leaving the earth is GO. Do not allow all the investment of God upon your life to be a waste. You can start a tract distribution project in your community and ask God for the best way He would want you to serve Him.
As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”
Acts 13:2 NKJV
Ask the Lord to show you where and how He would want you to work to bring souls into His Kingdom today. Your family is however a very good place to begin.
Father, please give me the grace and power required to be a fruitful Christian.