Text: Isaiah 48:10 NKJV
Further Reading: Isaiah 48:10-11
Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
Isaiah 48:10 NKJV
Gold in its purest form must have to go through the fire to come out shining. Everyone loves gold, but not many people like the refining process. Many want to be like gold in form and appearance, but not many want a gold-like purifying process.
One of God’s means of purifying His church and children is suffering. In the infiniteness of His wisdom, He uses suffering to take the dross of unrighteousness out of them so that they may shine in the brightness of His glory.
I must admit that the process is hard and would require only the grace of God. In our text, the Lord said, He had chosen Israel from the furnace of affliction because of His glory.
One of the works Christ wants to do in you is to make you pure and fit for God’s use. Until that happens, you will only be a vessel unto dishonour (2 Timothy 2:20-21). The purging process may not be easy but because of what God want to bring out of your life, He allows you to go through the furnace of suffering.
The Book of Malachi recorded that Christ would come to purify us with fire so that our worship might be acceptable unto God (Malachi 3:1-3). You may be in the fire of suffering today but you will come out as pure gold.
The fire of suffering is not to kill you but to make you better and bring honour to the name of God. One such testimony is seen in the book of Daniel chapter 3. Remember how those three Hebrew young men went through the fire? It was the most horrendous method to make a man suffer and die, but God had a purpose in it. He brought them out with great testimony.
Are you saved and following God but you seem not to have a break from the fire of suffering? God is refining and shaping you into the best form he wants you to be for Him. When God is through with you, your life becomes shiny with His glory.
Finally, because no impure thing will ever enter God’s kingdom, He may use the fire of suffering to burn off impurity in any shape and form in the life of His children. Therefore beloved, do not run out of your suffering. Suffering is not a punishment, it is a tool in God’s hand to make us perfect unto every good work.
That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:7 NKJV
God’s purpose in your suffering is to make you His object of praise, honour, and glory. Your testimony is right at the corner.
Father, please be with me in the fire suffering and let me come out purer, so that I would be a vessel unto honour in your hands.