The Seriousness Of Eternity: Forgiveness

Text: Matthew 6:14 NKJV

Further Reading: Matthew 5:23-24

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Matthew 6:14 NKJV


When we read through the Bible on the subject of eternity, we will see how serious it is. It is sad to see preachers and Christians treat this subject with levity. The way the Lord spoke about it shows the seriousness of the matter and we must take it to heart.

In the Lord’s instruction to believers in what’s known as the sermon on the mount, He addressed some issues to which we must pay careful attention. The Lord concluded that message by saying only those who heed the instructions are wise and will stand the test of time (Matthew 7:24-25).

Today we will look at the subject of forgiveness and its impact on our pilgrim’s progress. The truth is that people will offend us, and the devil will even use others to intentionally try and pull us away from the faith. We must learn to forgive at all times so that we will not miss heaven.

One hard thing people find difficult to do is to forgive. Some people have endured hurt in the past and it seems so difficult to go forward in life because they are not able to forgive. Some have sworn to go to their graves without forgiving those who offend them.

But here is what Jesus said, if someone offends you, find a way to fix it. God will not even accept your offering. What that means is that your tithe and offering are not acceptable to God. The pastor may accept it and even bless you, but heaven says No! to that gift you have brought.

God places premium value on forgiveness. If you do not forgive men, God will also not forgive you  As long as you want God’s forgiveness, you must likewise forgive others (Luke 6:37).  The believer must trust God to forgive – hand over the pain and hurt in your heart to Jesus.  It may be difficult to do but God can take that situation and make a testimony of it.

Is there someone who offends you and you have vowed never to forgive? How deep is that hurt in your heart that you think it’s worth losing heaven for? Nothing is worth eternity with God, even if you own the whole world.

Ask the Lord for the grace to forgive as many who have hurt you. Show that forgiven such persons by going to them and telling them you have forgiven them. You may be saving a life in the process.


But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6:15 NKJV

God’s verdict is clear; if you don’t forgive, then don’t expect God to forgive you. Learn to forgive unconditionally.


Father, please give me the grace to forgive everyone who has offended me. Please heal every hurt in my heart.

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