Text: Psalms 55:22 NKJV
Further Reading: Matthew 6:25-34
Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.
Psalms 55:22 NKJV
Many times the challenges of life seem overwhelming, the children’s school fees, unpaid rent, lack of food, and other important needs set to way us down and worried. In most cases, we have done all we know how to do but still, nothing is showing up.
This is when the devil introduces fears and worries. He begins to replay in our minds the many needs and even the urgency of some of them. He will at times even work out a compromise for us to get those needs met.
Rather than focusing on God, the enemy of our souls shifts our focus to the problems and we get worked up. As someone who has been in this state before, I call it a big prison house in the mind. We lose our peace and joy and become quickly irritated by almost everything and everyone around us.
Though those needs and problems are many, God’s word to us is that we should worry about nothing, but by prayer and supplications, with Thanksgiving, we should tell God all our needs (Philippians 4:6). But some will say, I have prayed and nothing has happened. Yes! Wait for it, worry solves no problems anyways, it rather complicates it.
We have a loving Father who will not withhold from us every good thing we need. He knows our needs and He is always willing to supply. The Bible says that He clothes the grass of the field so beautifully, so we should not be worried about what to wear.
Some of the things we worry about are the things He is always ready to supply. We are God’s responsibility, and as a good Father, He knows how to meet our needs. Are you strained financially, or is your health failing, are you going through storms in your home, or are you being persecuted for your faith? Whatever you are going through don’t be worried, you can trust God to come true for you.
The Lord Jesus said told us that if God clothes the grass of the fields and gives food to the birds of the air, He will give better things to us because we are far more important than grasses or animals.
Whenever the devil wants you to worry, turn to God in singing. Though weeping endures the whole night, joy comes in the morning (Psalms 30:5). Rather than being depressed and heavy in your heart, chose deliberately to enjoy the joy of the Lord.
Don’t forget that what the devil is targeting is your faith. He wants to shift your focus from God and then turn around to afflict you. Anxiety leads to depression, and then suicidal thoughts. The devil has trapped and killed so many using anxiety. Don’t fall victim.
There is grace to always help in the hours of our needs. In whatever trouble you find yourself in, always remember that God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
Matthew 6:26 NKJV
You must stop worrying about what you can not change, but rather allow God to change your situation by trusting Him wholeheartedly.
Father, Please help me not stop worrying and allow You to work all things together for my good.