For A Time Like This

Text: Esther 4:14 KJV

Further Reading: Esther 4:1-17

For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

Esther 4:14 KJV


In every generation and time in history, God has His own people. No matter how corrupt or wicked a generation may be God, He has a remnant who will show forth His glory. Amid the greatest apostasy in Israel, God still had Elijah and seven thousand Israelites who did not bow to Baal (1 Kings 19:18). Daniel also distinguished himself in Babylon and showed forth the glory of God.

You will notice that God needs quality men and women even in our time. Christians who will stand in key positions in Government, Business, and religious leadership.

Our nations are in serious chaos today with so many value-destroying policies in government and workplaces. Our societies are being infiltrated by all sorts of sinful practices and God is counting on His people to rise and defend the faith.

In our text of the day, we saw that the entire Jew was going to be wiped out but God has placed Esther as queen because of such a time. She became an instrument of deliverance. Joseph was also sent ahead of Israel and made a leader in Egypt because of the time of famine, so as to preserve God’s covenant with Abraham.

Are you a school teacher? God has placed you for a time like this to correct and mold the future generation for God. Whether you are in government or private sector, God has a purpose for you to stand represent Jesus. God wants you to shine as light, do not allow darkness to overshadow you.

Are you a Doctors or an health worker? God is called you for a time like this to bring comfort to lives. He is calling you to preserve the lives of many babies who otherwise would have been aborted.

Whatever position you occupy, God has placed you there to make a change. Do not fail Him!


He sent a man before them, Even Joseph, who was sold for a servant.

Psalms 105:17 KJV

Will you respond to God and be His agent of transformation in this generation? You are placed where you are because of a time like this. Use that position to serve God.


Father, help me to be a good ambassador for Christ in this generation.

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