Victory Over Sin 1

Text: John 8:36 KJV

Further Reading: John 8:34-36

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

John 8:36 KJV


Sin is the root cause of every evil in our world today. As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so it is and even more in our days. Our society is being flooded with all forms of sin and sinfulness that have plunged so many into eternal damnation. This is a serious matter that we all must pay attention to and trust God that He will make us overcomers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

In this series, we will answer two key questions in the mind of believers with the aim of convincing them that Holiness is possible and victory over sin is a reality. The first question is: “Is victory over sin possible?” And the next is the “Practical ways to overcome sin”.  Our earnest prayer is that God will bring you into a victorious Christian life through this series. Amen.

In layman’s terms, victory means to win or overcome something. Concerning our topic, we can say victory over sin means complete power to resist and subdue sin in individual lives.

Jesus came to save us from sin and to keep us from sinning (Matthew 1:21). His death on the cross was not cheap. Anyone who says that complete victory over sin is not possible is a fraud or has not studied the scripture well.

The word of God says that since you have now come under grace, sin will no longer overpower you. You become a victor and not a victim because of God saving grace (Romans 6:14).

The Bible further makes it clear that Christians who have received the grace of God are taught to say No to sin, and every form of ungodliness and worldly lust. Instead fallen into sin, the grace of God helps the believer to live soberly, godly, and righteousness in this present world (Titus 2:11-12).

Never forget that though you were conceived and born in sin, God’s salvation which you have received is powerful to keep you victorious over sin. 

Finally, you must understand that God’s will for you is not a life of defeat but victory over sin. He wants you to be holy and blameless before Him. Everything has been paid for by the suffering and death of Christ. You must personally believe it so that you can fully enjoy the victory that was won for you at Calvary.


Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

Romans 6:18 KJV

Now that you know that victory is guaranteed, begin to crave and desire holiness and everyday victory over sin.


Father, please give me complete victory over sin.

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