Text: Mark 4:39 NKJV
Further Reading: Mark 4:37-41
Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39 NKJV
The storms of life are inevitable. They come in various degrees of strength and ferocity. The storm aims to ruin and scatter the journey of a child of God. The devil will try to stop every genuine child of God by standing storms into their homes, and businesses, or directly attacking their spiritual life. You must not fear because the prince of peace is the master of all storms.
Whenever you are faced with storms of life, you can rest upon the precious promises of the word of God. In our text of the day, when the storm arose against the boat of Jesus, all the Master said was, “Peace Be Still”, and there was a great calm. If Jesus is in the boat of your life, then you have nothing to fear because He will speak peace to that situation.
The devil knew that the madman of Gadarene would be healed if he met Jesus, so he sent a storm to block his healing. Thank God we have a savior who is both the prince of peace and the healer of the oppressed (Acts 10:38).
Never forget that after every storm there is always a major victory. If there is no victory, there would be no need for a storm. No matter how fierce the battle you are faced with is, you can be confident that there will be a testimony.
Nahum 1:3 says that God will not acquit the wicked, He has his ways in the whirlwind and storms. This means that God can still walk and work through the storms. Storms do not and cannot stop our God from working.
In Psalms 148:8, the word of God confirmed that fire, hail, snow, vapor, and stormy winds have no choice but to obey Him. God can command peace to every storm in your life. He can also raise stormy winds to persecute and make afraid of every unrepentant enemy (Psalms 55:8; 88:15).
Are you on the Lord’s side? If yes, relax, all will be well with you no matter how raging the storm is. It shall not be destroyed, rather you be riding upon the wings of winds. Only you must keep your eyes on Jesus and you can walk upon your storms.
If you are like Peter who was walking on the storms in the last, but because of sin you are already sinking? Cry to the Master, and He will save you.
He calms the storm, So that its waves are still.
Psalms 107:29 NKJV
Only Jesus can calm the raging storms in your life, bring everything to Him today and ask according to His precious promises.
Father, cause every raging storm of the enemy in my life to cease today in Jesus’ name.