Beginning With God 2

Text: Genesis 1:1 NKJV

Further Reading: Genesis 1:1-3

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1 NKJV


Though we live in time when the godlessness of men have reached its peak, yet God cannot be ignored. Even though men would not acknowledge or regard Him, still He is unavoidable. The Bible said that Fools, because of their transgression, And because of their iniquities, were afflicted. Psalms 107:17 NKJV. They are the ones who refuses to acknowledge God.

The beautiful account in Genesis chapter 1 verse one should give us the confidence to face this new year. We can agree that God who began His creation finished His work. We can be sure that the same God will go with you till end of the year.

I want to give you two reasons why beginning with God will pay this year and through your lifetime. 
1. God is the creator of the earth. The Bible says in Psalms 24:1 that the earth belongs to God and everything that is in it. By implication, if you begin with God and you follow the God who owns the earth, you will not lack the good outputs that comes from the earth.

You can be sure that while others are struggling and toiling, the earth will yeild her increase for you and God, even your God will bless you. The Lord will bless you and all the end ends of the earth shall fear Him (Psalms 67:6-7).

I can only pity those who live their lives outside of Christ, their sorrows are usually multiplied (Psalms 16:4). Their end eternal destruction.

2. God creator of heaven. Somehow everyone wanted to go to Heaven. But how would you want to go to heaven to meet a God who you have rejected? That’s not possible. It is even true of us when we don’t have a good relationship with someone we may feel ashame and in most cases uncomfortable around them.

Beginning with God this year can mark a new beginning in your life. In case, you are not saved, you can pray to God to forgive and save you from sin. Believers who are already serving the Lord can go deeper with God in fellowship and communion. In the end we know that Jesus is coming back to take His people to heaven (John 14:1-3).

That is why you must begin with God this year and follow Him consistently till the end of your life.


May you be blessed by the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

Psalms 115:15 NKJV

May God bless you as you journey with Him this year. May all your heart desires according to His will be granted. May you continue enjoy new beginning in all areas of life.


Father, as I begin well with you, help me to finish well and strong in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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