Text: Psalms 103:3 NKJV
Further Reading: John 3:15-16
Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases.
Psalms 103:3 NKJV
The Bible speaks of the blessedness of a man whose sins are forgiven and whose iniquity is covered. This man is blessed because God does not input sin to him anymore (Psalms 32:1-2). There is no bigger blessing than one having his or her sins forgiven.
That a man is no longer under the huge burden of sin is a bigger testimony to the goodness of Christ and this is with saying thank you. That you are no longer a slave to sin, that you no longer live under the burden and condemnation of sin is worth saying thank you to Jesus.
Your salvation is worth everything. The Bible says in Christ you have redemption through His blood even the forgiveness of sins. This made you qualify to be a child of God (John 1:12).
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.
I John 3:1 NKJV
Are you thankful to Jesus for saving your soul and making you God’s child? How often do you think of what your life would have been except that God translate you out of darkness into the kingdom of His dear son Jesus?
That you are no longer subject to sin but free was all in the redemption package. You out to praise and thank Jesus for this. Our text of the day says that you should bless the because he forgave your iniquities. How often do thank Jesus for eternal life?
Jesus suffered and died in your place so that you can be raised above sins into the newness of life. He bought out of eternal punishment and gave you eternal life. This should make you spend more time thanking Him.
I urge you to begin to thank God for saving your soul from sin and giving you a new name and assurance of everlasting life.
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
Romans 8:1 NKJV
Thank Jesus today for the salvation of your soul and the deliverance from condemnation of sin.
Thank you Jesus for saving my soul and giving me dominion over sin.