Text: Luke 11:8 NKJV
Further Reading: Luke 11:5-8
I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs.
Luke 11:8 NKJV
The Lord told us that anytime we are we want something, we can ask and we will receive. But He showed us that that we can go beyond asking which is to seek. Above seeking we can knock until our petition is granted (Matthew 7:7). That is called persistence in the place of prayer.
Jesus further said we should ask until our Joy is full. In Luke 18:1-7, Jesus taught a valuable lesson on opportunity which compels the Christian to keep digging until his or petition is granted. Don’t just settle for that sickness or disease, you can stick to God’s promise of divine healing and it will be so.
Certain people in Bible understood this principle of digging until they get results. Somehow most of them are women. In 1 Samuel 1:8-18, Hanah would not be satisfied with her barrennes, she stayed with God until she got her miracle.
Another woman who kept digging was Rachel, she was so desperate that she would rather die than not have a child. In the end God remembered her and gave her children (1 Samuel 30:1). The third woman is the woman of Canaan who kept digging until her daughter was healed. This woman will not even mind being insulted, she just kept on pleading until her case was settled/(Matthew 21:28).
I don’t know what problem or situation that you are currently going through and it seemed as if you have given up to fate. I want to tell you that you can recover again if you won’t stop digging in the place of prayers.
God is interested in bringing answer to that petition of your heart, but you must dig on. Don’t quit, stay with God until He satisfy your heart with His goodness. Remember, with our God nothing is impossible, if we will keep asking until heaven breaks up and rains down upon us blessings.
“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Luke 11:9 NKJV
Keep praying until your miracle comes. You can’t afford to die without your breakthrough.
Father, I receive to be persistent in the place of prayer until my joy is full.