He Will Come Again 4

Text: Matthew 25:10

Further Reading: Matthew 25:1-13

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

Mathew 25:10 NKJV


The story of the Ten Virgins is one that best shows the state of the church today. Unfortunately, we have many people with the right words but are not watchful and ready for the coming of the Lord. If you think that this is a bogus claim, you should ask yourself this honest question:

“When Last did I meditate or think about heaven or the return of Jesus?”. The answer though sad may not be as sad as the fact that many of our pulpits today have many nicely drafted sermons and are delivered with perfection but almost none of those nice sermons awaken the church to the consciousness of heaven or the imminent return of the Lord.

Although it may be business as usual, one fundamental truth is that Jesus will come. Jesus warned us not to live our lives as that servant who says in his heart, “My master has delayed his coming”, therefore living carelessly (Luke 12:45). There are many careless things we see today that show that many are not actually ready for the Lord’s coming.

So many careless or idle words for which men will give account as the Bible puts is more common than the gracious words of grace that God expects from the lives of His followers (Matthew 12:36). Apart from careless words, many indulgences have now been allowed and normalize making the church live in the world as though she is a part of her.

Those who you read about today and call foolish virgins represent half the church or bride of Christ. Somehow Jesus is giving us His assessment of the Church. It is safe to say that Jesus called five out of ten saved believers foolish. The question is why?

They are not living in readiness. The truth is that Jesus was telling about this generation when all the church will fall asleep and not be conscious of the things of eternal value. All the virgins did sleep, but some got extra oil – they had extra oil in their lamp. They were those who had built up themselves in their most holy faith by consistently praying in the Holy Ghost, so they had extra oil (Jude 1:20). The other never does, they are the lazy ones who love pleasure and self-indulgence.

The result was that the Bridegroom came and they were shut out of His presence. If there is any rallying call that needs to be blown through the body of Christ today is to awake. We are fast asleep and now our Bridegroom comes soon.

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
Romans 13:11 NKJV


The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.

Romans 13:12 NKJV

Are you walking in the light or you are simply secretly living a life of darkness? Check your life.


Father, please help me to be faithful and ready by living a life of righteousness. Amen.

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