Text: Psalms 2:8 NKJV Further Reading: Mark 16:15-20. Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession. Psalms 2:8 NKJV MESSAGE I want to write to you from my heart about what I perceive as God’s desire for you. There are endless […]
Marital Principles: Pray Before You Chose
Text: Genesis 24:12 NKJV Further Reading: Genesis 24:10-14 Then he said, “O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham. Genesis 24:12 NKJV MESSAGE The marital choice must be approached prayerfully because it has great consequences on your future. Two are better than one […]
A Call For International Repentance
Nations are already on the brink of collapse and one would think that man would lay down his pride and call on God.Are these not a loving warning from a loving God who is wooing humanity to Himself again asking us the question “why should ye die?”. It is obvious that our politicians are sweating […]
Praying In The Valley
Text: Daniel 2:17-19. Further Reading: Daniel 2:1-49. Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions: That they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. […]
Revival At All Cost
If we don’t have revival this generation is doomed – the situation is beyond human control, only the invasion of God’s Holy Spirit can clean the mess in our society today. If you think our government can do it then you are mistaken. If any hope will arise for our Nation it would come from […]
A Generation of Straws
As we look with strange bewilderment at the fast moral collapse of our society, few observers and lovers of the church will note sadly that the decay is much among us. I say with all sense of responsibility and thought to pray and not to criticize. For a few years now, God in His wisdom […]
No More – A Clarion Call To Rise-Up For Our Youth
A few weeks after being away from Lagos, I returned to meet a deeper depravity in the young people. So young were the girls I had spoken with some weeks back, but are now like prostitutes – they are really young. I had no strength to deal with the malady because I was fatigued at […]
YES! NO! WAIT! – GOD’S ANSWER TO HIS SAINTS’ PRAYER There is no unanswered prayer if we have prayed indeed to seek God’s will and put our mind apart from any other motive we may have. If our focus is indeed the will of God, then either of these three is an answer: Yes, No, […]
Without travail there is no natural birth, every mother knows this. Similarly, without the travail of soul there can be no spiritual birth – does this not answer our question as to why men are not born (born again) on our altars? It is because we do not travail for their birth. As soon as […]
Tearless, Loveless Soul
“Awake o tearless saints. Arise O loveless soul” Awake o tearless heart,Arise o loveless soul,Weep o dry eye,For the woe of sinners lost. My soul, mourn and weep,Groan for a people lost,Let none escape the tears,O for to save one at least. O that the drop of tears shed,Be the numbers of souls won,A river […]