A Show of Shame

I am not sad, but I feel I should be sad, I am not angry, yet I ought to be, my soul is not in deep anguish but it ought to be, I would lament if only I can, I would cry if but I can find tears, yet my eyes are dry and my heart as a parched land. O that my eye is fountains of waters, oh that my heart was oceans of tears, the state of my own soul the corrosion and recession of my own heart, how lukewarm and dead it tends to be, o but for an awakening unto life I plead, that I may be full of the burden of the Lord again. Oh that my heart may be inclined unto him, oh that I might be Jealous for my God, oh that I might not be a hypocrite but a faithful servant of my Lord. Oh that I may not be moved to tears by emotions but by the passion of my Christ whose name has been so ridiculed and soiled in the mud. That I may be a true in and out, a faithful soldier and an ambassador of Christ and his Kingdom – one who is true both in secrete and public devotion to my lord the crucified lamb and him only who is worthy … May I lord be true to thee not by a burst of emotion which will wane and die with time, but by the love wrought by the holy Son of God. May I lord be true, so true to the end, may I not falter in my profession of faith. Oh, that I may not be a professor alone but a true follower of Jesus Christ, picking up my own cross and dying daily to the world, its lust, pride, pomp, and attractions, may I be true Lord, may I be true.

Have you been to a show lately? Yes, you have, but you say I don’t go to shows, yes you don’t, yet you have been in many, and maybe one this week? It is a show of shame, though thought to be of glory, but a disgrace to the Holy.

My heart sinks with fear at how worldly how the church has become, it pains my heart if but I could find tears within to weep and cry out lamentation, woe, destruction; for the people of God have gone deep into the world. The Holy Spirit has been shown his way out of our churches because of our careless new normal worship and praise, a sinner can literarily be comfortable because it better suits him – for men who are in the world finds the church almost the same as the world, the show they endured though thought to be enjoyed during the week they finish on a Sunday morning in another show. Well what difference does it make they say, they see the same dance, they hear the same beat but for a few Jesus phrase in between, they hear strange jokes from the pulpit and sometimes they get a bottle of coke at the end of the service. Tell me ye who fears God, why they should turn away from their sins, after all, it’s all a show.

Know we not that we have become the enemy of God? For anyone who will imitate the world in any regard is an enemy of God? James 4:4. Have we not proven that we love not the Father we claim to worship, yet still having affairs with the world? Have we not gone whoring after strange flesh? We have committed this great evil, we have forsaken God the fountains of life, and behold we have hewn for ourselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. We have left our first love and have embarked on a strange adventure of doom, o but that his love might reach us before we end it in destruction.

Oh that he might come and cleanse his temple, that he might come as refiners fire and purge his people from this strange attachment to the world, that we may desist from this show of shame and worship God in truth and in the spirit in the beauty of his holiness.

Whether we hear it or not let our conscience be the judge, let not say we like the Pharisees we have Abraham for our father, yet breaking all the laws of God; by claiming the blood of Jesus Christ, but trampling the name of Christ in our affinity with worldly practice. We must repent before he removes our candlestick from among the bunch, the church must return to that ancient path and restore the ancient landmark which our fathers have set.

This is another call for the church to repent and return back to his first love.

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