At The Cost Of God’s Own Blood

All men have sinned, in fact, all men were born sinners, you will notice a little child as young as one or two-year-old who hardly can speak try to cover up for a misdeed by lying, and since all men are born with God’s policeman (the conscience) we see that even a young child recognizes wrongdoing and tend to want to cover up (like Adam of Old). Except for this initial nature of sin is dealt with, man is certainly at the peril of the judgment of God.

The cover-up Trait

The man by default does not like to take responsibility for wrongdoing or reprove for it, I mean never wanted to be wrong so He tries to cover up. The original man (Adam and Eve) was perfect until He disobeys God’s instruction and sin was found in him, the next thing He did was to try to hide from God, cover up Himself with figs leaves (Sin naked a man). This is the natural trait of man, yet God is omniscient, he knows all things, nothing done in the secret is hidden from him.

God’s Justice

For God to be just, He must punish every act of disobedience, hence God’s divine justice hangs upon every man with whom sin was found. Adam of old died, for God hath said “the day which thou eat of the fruit of the tree, thou shall surely die” – and the wages of sin is death (a banishment from the presence of God, though He died not physically He died spiritually, so is every man born of woman).

God judges the righteous, and the anger of God is kindled upon the sinner every day (Psalm 7:11), every man therefore must be terrified at such hatred God has for sin and men who live in sin and forsake all sinful habits and lifestyle.

For God to be just and for man to have no excuse of unjust punishment in the hand of God, He must prove his righteousness, hence man is without any excuse. (Psalm 51:4)

Paid by His own blood

God is infinitely wise and loving, no man is deemed to pay the penalty of sin of man and reconcile him back to God, hence God in His infinite wisdom and love came into the world in human form (John 3:16-18) to die in place of every man (… that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man – Heb. 2:9)

Just as through the man Adam sin came into the world, the man Jesus Christ (Who is God in the flesh) came to pay (die) for the sins of everyone who through faith believed in Him. Romans 5:

The capital punishment, death by crucifixion on the cross was the most humiliating and most painful slow death, to this Christ was subjected; beaten and nailed to the cross, a punishment for my sins and your sins that God might be just and the justifier of every man that believes in Jesus (Romans 3:26).

The blood of the innocent son of God shed for sinners atones all sin, it washes the sins of the whole world, pierced, smitten, suffered and nailed to the cross, the lamb of God died for sinners’ sin.

Your Responsibility

God has played His part in helping every man escape the divine judgment by offering his own son Jesus as a propitiation for sins.

What then must I do to access God’s provision? … If any man believes in Him, he would not perish but have everlasting life. Believe in who? Jesus Christ, then

  1. You must come to term that you are guilty and deserve to be punished
  2. You determine to repent and turn away from your sinful way (Acts 2:42)
  3. You must look away from yourself for right living but look unto Christ’s righteousness (Is. 46:22)
  4. You call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, believing in your heart and confessing Christ with your mouth as your savior (Romans 10:13, Romans 10:9-10)


Make a decision for Christ today, for He is the way the truth and the life. You can do so by falling on your knees and saying this word of prayer by faith.

Lord Jesus, I am guilty and deserve to be punished, Please have mercy on me, I repent and forsake all known and unknown sins in my life, I ask that you wash me in your blood, Lord Jesus save me, I believe in you and accept you as my own Lord and savior this day and forevermore. Amen

Jesus Christ is able to save to the uttermost, everyman that come to God by Him.

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