Text: Genesis 1:3 KJV
Further Reading: John 1:1-14
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Genesis 1:3
Words are powerful, it is the active agent of Divinity. God spoke the word and it is done. The Bible says, His word would not return to Him void but shall accomplish the desire of God (Isaiah 55:11). Though darkness and chaos may fill your life, all God had to do is to speak.
Many today run from pillar to post, from pastors to prophets, and some sadly to the devil because of the situation in their lives. They wanted a new being because life is rough for them. They have not come to understand that all they need is the word of God.
The word of God is the creative power of God, it brought the cosmos out of chaos, light out of darkness, and virtually framed everything we see today(Hebrews 11:3). Why then do you think it incredible that you cannot have a new beginning or that God cannot give you a fresh start.
As God spoke in the beginning, He can also speak to your situation now and turn it around for good. Jesus however is that true word of God. Sincerely, all you ever need to get a new beginning is to allow Jesus free and full control of your life.
Jesus is the word from the beginning, that ancient word that created all things – He is that true light that lightens the whole world. Where ever Jesus appears darkness, confusion, problems must vanish. His presence alone represents a new beginning for anyone.
Have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb, sanctified by the word of faith, and consecrated wholly to God? If you have, you are qualified for a new beginning by applying the word of God to your life. The more reason why I appeal to the sinners to repent and turn to Jesus – stop threading the path of woe. Come to Jesus today.
Nothing can withstand the word of God, not even the devil, allow it to form your heart and thought and you will always walk in victory. Your new beginning starts now.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Revelation 1:8
Everything may fail but God’s word remains forever and it is the key to unlocking the door to your new beginning.
Father, Please help me to apply your word to my life daily for me to come into my new beginning.
Good morning and have a great day.