Mercy Not Merit

TEXT: Romans 9:16 (KJV)

So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.


Have you done all you know how to do best? Have you applied all the formulas you know and nothing seems to be working? Have you prayed and fasted yet it seems as you are always out of luck? Does what seems to be yours slip out of your hands often and you wonder what you have done wrong to deserve such?

But I am a child of God you say, I do this service and that duty in His house. I am even the choir leader, I live a holy life and I love the Lord, yet everything seems to be falling apart. Dear, it is because you have not learned what this statement means: “I will have mercy and not sacrifice” – Matthew 9:13.

Oh, how my life would have ended up as a shadow, a mirage of what God intends for me but for learning that merit would not do it but mercy. Truthfully “it is not of him that wills or him who runs, but of God who shows mercy” – Romans 9:16. Many may never come into God’s purpose for their lives if they do not learn this truth, rather than depend on their own wisdom and strength to God run for mercy. They would only be running around a loop in frustration. Mercy drops the wise and picks the ignorant of this world, mercy drops the strong and chose the weak for a favor, mercy overlooks the qualified to qualify the unqualified. What you need dear friend is mercy. How have your talents and abilities helped you thus far? Do you not see that even those who are less talented get what your talents and abilities could not fetch you? If you want to know the secret, they have obtained mercy.

While we continue to develop ourselves in the areas of our endeavors, none of us should ever underestimate the power of mercy. While we continue to be excellent in our careers and course of studies (for students), we must not forget that it is the Lord that shows mercy. A man like Jacob who struggled all his life would have died a nonentity but for the merciful intervention of God at Bethel. Are you also struggling in life with your brain as your pride, swallow it and beg God to show you mercy.

Finally, we are saved by mercy, and many more will be saved by mercy. Therefore to continue in what God planned for our lives, we must be sustained by His mercies. I plead with you this morning, plead for God’s mercy, let His mercy speak that situation that is not working, I tell you your dry bones shall live again.


I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. Romans 9:15.

Stop struggling, ask for mercy.

God bless you and have a glorious morning.

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