Somehow it has become hard to be a normal believer in Jesus Christ and God’s infallible word in an abnormal new normal Christian community, but God is sure to in His mercy save this generation that is en route to hell. Notice how quickly you are labelled extreme and given religious names when you decide to follow the word of God and your conscience in your day to day life. If such contradictions were from the worldly folks, one would have little cause to mind, but sadly it comes from those who claim to be fellow believers.
Just today as I sat in the tricycle waiting for the other passengers to come, I heard one man speaking to the tricyclist speak about the different hairstyles of the day – “We don’t know who is a Yahoo boy”, he remarked. I looked to see what had motivated him to say such and I saw two boys crossing to the other side of the road, one with hair coloured and the other with dread. I am not so sure of this man’s religion but I hope to draw a point to my Christian friends who feel it normal to trend with the world.
I owe no man apologies by calling out the wordliness of this Christian youth age. So sad to see men who ought to be role models for younger Christian laying worldly immoral standards. Our gospel artists and big screen preachers are to be blamed for what is now common among our youth. How will you defend yourself brother “Christian music artist” when you have the same haircut as other worldly musicians? Is there any difference between you and the so-called Yahoo boys? Somehow so many of our younger brothers see no error in this. Who then is who?
An avalanche of wicked dresses adopted by our sisters today is no matter to overlook, they simply dress to kill, are they devils? Why are they out to kill and destroy our brothers? But this is the new fashion in vogue in the modern Christian circle, moreover don’t you see what many popular Christian music artists wear? Dear sister “gospel artist”, help your fellow brethren, show our sisters modesty and purity. Do not forget, you are accountable to God. If you dress and paint like the world, then who is who?
The Christian is supposed to be a called-out people, a people separated from the world, though they are in the world, they are by no means of the world. Scripture has clearly drawn the line – you cannot love the world and claim to love God (1 John 2:15). Have you not read that the intimate association (emulation of the world) is enmity against God? Listen to the words of wisdom:
You adulteresses [disloyal sinners—flirting with the world and breaking your vow to God]! Do you not know that being the world’s friend [that is, loving the things of the world] is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
James 4:4 AMP
Who are we fooling, let’s admit it many people today are of the world and are simply hiding under the guise of Christianity. Many would tell you God is not interested in their outward appearance but their hearts ignorantly applying that beautiful word in 1 Samuel 16:7 to justify their worldliness, but forget to add the word of Jesus which says, by their fruit ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:16). Somehow they are quick to forget that they are bought with a price and that they must glorify God in their body (first) and spirits which belong to God. (1 Corinthians 6:20). Be not conformed to the standards, the patterns, the lifestyle of this world says the scriptures, but it turns out that as the world is so are we – same dress styles, same dance, same music tunes and styles. In the end, it is clear that this youth generation is more worldly than Godly.
It is sad today because we don’t know who is who anymore. We don’t know who a Christian brother is with his saggy pants and worldly outlook, we don’t know who is a sister is anymore when our sisters are nearly topless with tight skirts showing the lines on their bodies, finishing it with a deadly split that goes above the knees. The truth is that the world is watching and laughing, they know that these are not serious, but God will do something. He will restore the glory days of Christian modesty that has been well erased by this world-confirming, sin-loving youth generation.
Do you know who is who? It is almost hard to tell today.
Sincerely it’s terrifying when you see things like this.
I do think that we should Pray that God will visit the church of His only begotten son, JESUS CHRIST. and may he Baptist the church with the Hunger and thirstiness after righteousness, for it is by this that our generation will be filled with the Holy lifestyle.
Thanks for your words in this.
May God bless you abundantly in Jesus mighty Name AMEN.
Amen. May God hear our cries for mercy. Go shine as light dear brother.