Text: Genesis 47:15 KJV
And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.
One of the major concerns in the heart of people today in line with their fulfilment of God’s purpose is the issue of money. Many think that to execute a God-given vision they need money first, No, it is Mercy that is needed. Mercy is a far more valuable currency needed in fulfilling the purpose of God for a man’s life. Money for a man with God’s mandate and vision is only a derivative of mercy.
The harsh economic realities had made many men work with rigour just to make ends meet but with very little to show for it – in their minds if they could get money many of their problems would be solved.
Many times, certain needs in connection with God’s work can be overwhelming and we may choose to plead with God for money rather than mercy. So many have come into this phase of their lives struggling to make money and in the process have lost their vision and divine calling. They have ended up as a shadow of what they could have been, a mere spectator in God’s move rather than participants.
God’s children must be careful not to fall into this snare – you will soon find out that there are too many things money can not do in connection with fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.
Do you know money does and can fail people? In our text today, the famine in the land of Egypt was so great that money became useless, of what use is money when there Is nothing to buy with it? In recent times, as the pandemic hits the world, you will notice how money failed so many rich people. Their money could not save them, yet the poor were saved by mercy. Africa is a true testimony of mercy with regards to the pandemic, with very little medical and social amenities, her people were predicted to die, but not on the watch of the merciful eyes of God. Are you still trusting your money? It is useless to do that, fix your eyes upon the mercy of Jesus and all will be well with you.
Thank God we are not saved by money but by God’s mercy. The implication would have been that only the rich will be saved, but we see the wisdom of God who displayed His unmerited favour both to the rich and the poor when He sent Jesus to die for our sin. (John 3:16). Thank God for mercy.
Do we need money? Yes, but not at expense of mercy. God is interested in us being blessed financially, it is a wrong gospel that emphasizes poverty – poverty is not God’s will for His children. However, we are blessed only by His mercy. This truth humbles us, we cannot lay claim on whatever we have, when we know that we have received everything by mercy, we will be more sensible in how we view wealth and material blessing.
Are you in financial strain and you have done all you can to come out? Cry out to God for mercy. Are you a wealthy person but your situation have defied money? You must also cry out for mercy. God is good and His mercy endures forever. So as you go out today whether you have so much money, or you have little, or nothing, ask God to show you mercy that disgraces money, and will be well with you.
Note, whenever money fails, turn to mercy – it will never fail.
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us.
Ephesians 2:4 KJV.
Our God is rich in mercy – Tap into His unlimited mercy and all you need will be supplied.
God bless you and have a great day.
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