Revival at all cost

Revival At All Cost

If we don’t have revival this generation is doomed – the situation is beyond human control, only the invasion of God’s Holy Spirit can clean the mess in our society today.

If you think our government can do it then you are mistaken. If any hope will arise for our Nation it would come from the church. Things are already worse and collapse is inevitable except there is divine intervention.

The hopelessness of the world can be said to be the true reflection of the state of the modern church. God must brew upon us and give us an awakening else things will fall completely out of place.

Too many ministries litter our streets, yet too many derelicts loiter and vandalize the same streets. Where is the power of God that we boast of? This nonsense prosperity thing must end. The world preaches money, the church preaches more money.

preacher, you are not in the league of politicians or celebrities, your job is to call men out of the world and not be immersed in the world.
If there is any place to express the mighty power of God, it is on our major streets among the outcasts and gangsters. Let’s get into ghettos where boys brush their mouths with joints (weed); where without warning brutal and fatal fights can break out leaving dead and injured behind.

Our claim of anointing would be useless if not foolish if it is limited to our well air-conditioned, people-conditioned, message-condition buildings. I believe greatly in the power of Jesus, that is why I am wondering and asking where is the effect of the power that is so advertised today? Is it only for making men rich and blessed? Devil’s power can do that alright; but where is the power of Christ that can do what no other power can do in bringing sinners unto repentance?

We must not forget that the Son of man came to seek and save those who are lost, and that the Holy Spirit’s first and primary operation is to convict sinners of sin.

Any anointing that does not bring men to Jesus is questionable. By this, I do not mean the one that brings men out for statistics, but that which bring men into a new life in Christ.

Let men begin to get truly converted and you will see a beautiful nation. The reproach of any nation is sin – a nation whose greater percentage are sinful men would soon plunge into utter reproach. I think this answers why Nigeria has become a reproach among the nations.

Been on the street a couple of times and I have come to the right conclusion that only Jesus can change the lives of many of those folks out there. No social program or reform can fix the damage in our society.

Dear preachers, let us stop spewing big words and confess to the fact that many who comes for our alter calls and say the sinners prayer never made it to the cross – never got saved. Most returned the same and others religious.

We must admit that we need a divine intervention that leads to life transformation. We need God to invade our land and interrupt the progressive decay in our society. We need revival or this generation sinks.

We must admit our insufficiency and failures and plead with God to step down from heaven with the regenerative power of the Holy Ghost. We need men to be truly born again – men saved by God’s mighty power.

You may disagree all you like, but figures don’t lie – can you tell how many young people in your local assembly that are truly saved and not mere professors of Christianity? Look through your street and see how many people that goes to church and lives like devils? Take a good look at our nations, does it look like people are getting saved (not that God has stopped saving people. Oh, praise God many have been truly converted but the numbers are small in comparison to the multitude who are yet to find Christ)?

This is a call to honesty and self-examination, are we doing enough to bring men to Christ? Let us cry out to God – things must not continue this way. We want God to intervene, let us hold His hands by pleading for mercy, confessing that we have failed.

Let us humble ourselves, let the ministers and priests weep between the porch and the altar and cry to God for mercy. There will be more killings, more rituals, more violence, more wickedness except there is a Revival. A revival of holiness in the church and a revival of mass salvation in the world.

The answer is not in the government, those folks are as confused as many of us, this is spiritual, this is war, the enemy is determined to ruin an entire generation, and we must not fold our hands. We must rise and pray, we must fast and weep, let us plead for this generation, at least if not for our sakes, let us do it for the sake of our children.

Let us all repent and confess to God of our own limitations and lack of power in bringing men to the cross. God is faithful and He will have mercy – He will give us sin-convicting, a sin-confronting anointing that will draw men to the cross. It’s a call to desperation, it’s either we have Revival or this generation sinks into oblivion.

But are we willing to receive His blessings or we are satisfied without them?

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