I know who you are

I know who you are
You hide behind the web
To lure men into your web
And trap them for yourself.
I know who you are
You hide behind the dark
To put men down on their back
And strip them of their cash.
I know who you are
You are the one behind the mask
Sending men your fake alert
To enrich your bank account.
I know who you are
You dig a pit n make disguise
To make a fool out of men
And sink them into the grave.
I know who you are
You are a boy in the real-life
But pretends to be a girl
Just to cheat a greedy white.
I know who you are
You said you have a client abroad
Not a business to your name
It's all a prank to get quick cash.
I know who you are
You make men believe you are real
But you are the ghost in the dark
Frightening men to give their last.
I know who you are
A green snake under green grass
Ready at once to strike as fast
After all, it's all for cash.
I know who you are
You spend and give not a damn
In the club you are the knight
Foolish girls flow to your arms.
I knew who you are
You are the black hawk in the sky
Looking for a foolish chick to catch
For a sumptuous dinner night.
I know who you are
Brutal and merciless to the core
You cheat the young and old
And care not if they die of stroke.
I know who you are
You tell the world it's not your fault
Life is tough you have no choice
Than to be cruel to have a life.
I know who you are
You send fake money spam
To catch your prey and also pray
All your prayer is but a waste.
I know who you are
You are a boy with the big car
Without work, you built a house
And still claim to be a bad guy.
I know who you are
You pretend as if you care
But there is no pity in your eyes
You kill to make a wealthy life.
I know who you are
You lie to her you love her
But you have a plan in mind
To use her for money rituals.
I know who you are
You are the killer who lives a lie
A day will come and be your last
Are you ready to face God most high?
I know who you are
And God knows who you are too
He calls you just as you are
Will you answer or face His wrath?
He knows who you are
His Son died for you as you are
Accept His love and live for life
In heaven prepared on High.
Come just as you are
Repent and turn yourself now
Wave goodbye to your old life
And ask Him to come into your heart.
Will you come as you are
To have eternal life and bliss
Where there will be no more tears
Heaven the city of God you'll rest.
Who are you?

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