Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down
Oh that you would thunder from heaven that we may hear
Oh that you would break mountains of doubt by your Spirit
Oh that you would cause an overflow of living waters by your Spirit
Oh that you would pity us and satisfy our hungry souls
Oh that you would be merciful and quench our thirsty hearts
We are dry and dying, Oh Lord!
Oh come down from your Holy Hills and revive us
Come down in your mighty presence and liberate us
We are stricken with sins and iniquities
We are held bound by the works of the devil
Oh come down and rescues our dying souls from Hell
Send us your Spirit Oh Lord, this we cry
Pour out your presence, this we groan
That our lands may yield her increase
That our sins may be forgiven,
Our wounds mollified and anointed
That our nations may be healed
Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down
Come down upon your dying Church
Come down upon our sickly plights
Come down and restore us to yourself
Come down and cleanse us by your Spirit
Come down Oh Lord, that we may behold your glory
“Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens and come down” – Is. 64:1