“Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down”
This is our heart’s cry to the Lord today, that the Father would tear the curtains of heaven and send us the revival rain.
We are desperate, we are in need, we are thirsty, we are hungry, Oh Lord, come down and meet our needs, come down Living water and quench our thirst, come down Bread of Life and satisfy our hunger, fill us Holy Spirit till we overflow with your powerful presence.
This is the very plea of our hearts, this we offer in great burden, humility, and faith, that you will pity us Oh Lord and visit us again.
Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down; that the mountain of sins might be crushed, that our wilderness might become a broad way of righteousness, and our deserts might overflow with rivers of living water.
Oh that you would come down Oh Lord, and visit your people again in mercy, for we are your people called by your own name, we humble ourselves before you, we seek your face, we forsake our sins, Oh God hear us from heaven, come down and heal our land.
Let the dry bones live again Oh God! Visit us and refresh us from heaven.
We wait to see you, just as your revealed yourself to our fathers, we promise not to provoke you to jealousy such as they did Oh God of mercy, we will live all our lives to worship and praise you in spirit and truth if you will just come down and look upon the affliction of your own children.
Our souls are weary, our hands are weak, Oh that you would rend heavens and come down to strengthen our hands, let our dryness turn into fatness oh God of our salvation, that we may become your own choice weapon against the forces of hell.
Come down Oh God, and expose every false religion, every false prophet, and their lies.
Come down Oh God and humble the proud nations and the proud men of the earth.
Come down Oh God, and reprove the world of her sins, and establish righteousness and truth upon the earth.
Come down Oh God that all men might know that all power belongs to you, for we eagerly await to see that which eyes have not seen and hear that which ears have not heard of your wonders since the foundations of the earth.
Come down Oh Lord and take away the reproach of your Church, let us see you like never before, bless us with your great blessings, that we may have a harvest of souls.
Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down to revives us again, Oh Lord.
“Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens and come down” – Is. 64:1