Text: James 4:3 NKJV
Further Reading: James 4:1-3
You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
James 4:3 NKJV
Many people complain of not having answers to their prayers and they are looking for the possible reasons why this is so. They are sure that they have prayed in strong faith yet they do not receive what they have asked for.
Our God is infinitely wise, He will not give us what will harm us. Think about our earthly parents, even when we asked for something we think we need, they apply their discretion to give us what they are certain that we need and not what we want. The Lord instructed that no earthly father will ever give a serpent, stone, or scorpion to any of his children who have asked for good things; and that God is far better and will give us much better things as long as it is to His glory (Matthew 7:9:11).
You must settle this in your mind, God will not give you everything you ever ask for. This is because He is the alpha and omega who knows the end from the beginning. If that thing you have asked for will later become a snare to you, He will not give you.
Remember Samson, he asked his parent to marry a strange woman for him. They warned him but he went on anyway and later burnt his fingers. Likewise, God will not allow us to have some things if it is sure to land us in trouble.
Some people cry out for the anointing and power of God today, and God will never give them. This is because they are not ready to handle it. Rather, God subjects such to His dealings first. Imagine God releasing His power upon Moses when He was 40, that power would have destroyed Him. Though God’s plan for Moses was to lead His people to the promised land, but Moses must be trained first.
Many young ministers have been intoxicated with power and have made a mess of their lives and ministry.
Think of prayer as applying for a grant – the application is first reviewed before it can be granted. In the same light, God reviews the prayer of His children and only gives the one that He knows will benefit them and for His glory.
If that which you have asked for is not for His glory but to glorify self, you can be sure that you are praying amiss. So before you asked why God has not answered some of your prayers, first review your motive for asking in the first place.
Our text of the day shows that any request made for self-glorification will definitely get turned down. God has our best interest at heart and He will give us those things that are needed per time.
It is high time we stop asking God for vanities and unnecessary things. Don’t ask God for more money when you have not used the one He has given you for His glory. Believers must concentrate on those things which are God’s will and are connected to advancing God’s kingdom.
Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
1 John 5:14-15 NKJV
God’s will are revealed to us through His word, when we pray according to those revealed desires of God for us and His kingdom on earth, we can be confident that we will have answers to our petitions.
Father, I allow the Holy Spirit to guide my prayer from today so that I will no longer pray amiss.