Through The Valley

Text: Psalms 23:4 KJV

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.


Life atimes can have twists and turns and is certainly unpredictable. Today one seems to be over the moon and suddenly the gloom. No one but God can predict with certainty the events of His life as they would be.

Since we wake each day with new challenges and new paths unravelled, only those who go through the journey of life with God are safe even through the troubles of life. The Lord told us that in this world we would have tribulations but that we should cheer up because he has overcome the world for us. (John 16:33).

The whole world may be depressed and confused, but the Bible says the believer can be of good cheer. Many of my readers may be in their lowest valleys and it may seem as if you will never come out, cheer up because our Lord has overcome for us. Even in your valley, you are more than a conqueror.

Many times in my valley, I have seen the invisible hands of God pull me out – truly He will never let your feet slide. Thank God our God is not only the God of the mountain but also of the valley, and of the whole universe.

In our text of the day, the king said: “ye, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”. It is refreshing to know that we will only walk through our valleys into our destinies. We are not dying or drowning in the valley because God is with us. God is faithful, He will lead us gently until we reach a safe haven.

One thing we must be aware of is Satan’s greatest tool in the valley – fear. The enemy of our souls wants us to be afraid in our valley and lose our faith and confidence in God’s unchanging promises. He may introduce discouragement in order to get us out of the will of God. We must be careful.

Are you in your valley – The valley of sickness, disease, barrenness, a troubled marriage or kids, and any other situation that represents the valley? Fear not friend, He is with you even in that valley, and there will be peace for you in the valley. You are not dying in the valley, you will certainly get to the mountain top in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Friend, through your valley, He will hold you tight, remember He has promised never to leave nor forsake you, and you can be sure He will come right through for you. Praise Him today as you have never done before because even in the valley, Jesus is with you.


Father I know you are with me, even in my valley, I know you will comfort me and bring me into my glorious inheritance prepared for me by Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord.


In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

Psalms 94:19

Our God is the God of all comfort, even in the valley He is there, He will not allow the enemy to prevail. Going through the valley? Cheer up, because God is with you.

God bless you and have a great day.

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