Is The World Preparing For Rapture?

After several attempts to write on this subject twice last year and again this year, I am persuaded that it is the will of God to seriously consider this subject.

Quick Note

The word Rapture has been used over the centuries in tight connection with the sudden taking up of the believers at the coming of Jesus. Though the word itself is not directly mentioned in the Bible, it has been used to describe the Biblical truth of Jesus’s coming to take the saint out of this world to heaven.

St. Paul described this event with such clarity in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and calls it the hope of every believer. This age-long Christian belief has somehow been deliberately pushed aside by this unchristian Christian generation in favour of prosperity and worldly attainment.

Many in the world have mocked at the idea of the Rapture. Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 2 Peter 3:3‭-‬4.

Since they are not the first and won’t be the last to call Rapture a Biblical myth, only the wise will take caution and be ready. The folks in the time and days of Noah said the same and were not spared – be wise therefore you sceptic, fear God and do his will.

But is the world actually preparing for rapture though she denies it would ever happen? Is there a feeling among some people though Atheist that the Bible may be true on this?

As the world enters the new millennium in the year 2000, a Canadian Christian film production company made the first edition of left behind – a movie on Rapture. It was the first of three series made by the company. In 2014 the same movie was made again, this time not by a Christian company.

Left Behind 2014 Movie Trailer.

Can rapture be true? If it is true how will the people who are left behind survive? Even though the movie may not have told the whole truth about Rapture, I am persuaded that it shows some of the events that may likely happen on that day. How do we avert such tragedy must be the next move. Since the world cannot stop Jesus from coming, how does she prepare herself for such an event?

The movie painted the graphics picture of the chaos and trouble that is bound to befall this doomed world on the day when the trump of God shall sound. These troubles and disasters portrayed in the movie shows the very danger that will come upon the world on that day when the saints shall be raptured.

Some of the obvious events that would happen are transportation accidents on the large-scale, the chaos on the road if the drivers were raptured, the crash of aeroplanes and some other events that are bound to cause doom to men on that day when two be walking and one be taken and the other be left behind. How disastrous it would be when trains derail, great ships sink?

It seems as though the world and the smart guys somewhat believe that this would happen and are preparing for it.

Is the world preparing for rapture and we the saints are not? In the last 22 years, there have been huge advancements in science and technology. In this age of AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), Autonomous Systems,  and rapidly evolving Internet technologies, one can be sure that the world is preparing.

Now we have autopilots systems in modern transportation systems such as cars, aeroplanes and trains. With drones in the air, the world is simply saying we won’t be caught unaware. Because of the possible chaos that rapture will cause, there is a great race towards achieving the goal of smart cities through AI learning and huge data manipulation.

Gradually there is a great effort put in place for the decongestion of cities and robots taking over the manufacturing and some medical procedures. Do you also notice the gradual interdependence between man and machine, and progression into total dependence of machine? Remote jobs seem to have come to stay with us. We are racing towards the end of all things, and men are creating systems in which minimal impacts of the rapture may be felt.

If men disappear, robots can take over their jobs. Looks like the world is silently and methodically eliminating and reducing human dependence and efficiency. Think about it, the trend today is to consult the Internet (google) for anything you want to achieve. The days of deep thinking is fast fading, our young people are now throngs of dumb people with smartphones and smart devices.

Do you realise how desperately your life depends on your devices? Man is more machine-dependent than ever, with autocomplete and other AI assistance I bet many of our young people can not spell correctly. Do you notice that even the older ones are now losing grip on words they used to be so familiar with?

Somehow I think the modern human brainpower is being given over to machines in case of rapture and humans’ disappearance. Maybe the impact would be a little less, more than that I feel few people hold the key to the brainpower of many. Honestly, without exaggerating, it is safe to say that some big tech companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others know more about you than your spouse or children.

But where do all these leave man? In the state of retardation. I have this feeling that we have more potential crippled and swindled by this intentional delegating of the human capacity to machines. Do I mean that these advances are bad? No! In fact, no one will ever argue that they have made human life easier, but on the downside, they have made humans weaker.

I think we are on verge of creating the most retarded and dumb generation ever. The generation of zombies.

Great minds are paralysed by the frenzy of social media engines well crafted to amuse and to be absorbed with the human mind. Is the world truly not preparing for rapture?

We live in a time when prophecy clearly points out that knowledge shall increase, and there is not such a generation with the volumes of knowledge being shared today, mostly terribly soul corrupting and hell recruiting. Think about the following statistics:

  • 100bn searches on Google monthly.
  • More than 250bn photos were uploaded to Facebook equating to 350 million photos posted on Facebook daily.
  • 100 million hours daily watch video time on Facebook.
  • 330 million active Twitter users with 500 million tweets sent every day, equating to 6000 tweets every second.
  • 300 hours of video uploaded every minute and 1 billion hours of YouTube videos watched every day.
  • 1 Billion active Instagram users monthly and over 95 million photos posted daily.
  • Billions of messages sent on WhatsApp
  • Hundreds of millions of live chats and phone calls are made across different platforms.
  • Millions of videos Tiktok and other video social media platforms.
  • The untold number of hours spent on pornography daily.

An average person spends the best part of his time engaged in some of these things. The world is indeed on a fast lane in information exchange and this post is one of the millions of thoughts shared by people online every day whether good or bad. After all, everyone is entitled to his or her opinions.

Where does the believer stand in all of this? How does he stay focused on the fact that Jesus is still coming soon? Does he distance himself and say I won’t use this or that and go on to live in the cave? The truth has always been to be watchful and ready.

The believer should live in the world as a ship on the sea without allowing the sea into the ship. He must be very cautious but also conscious as to living a correct and well-proven life of Grace. It is however sad that the world seems to believe the Bible more than we the so-called Bible believers today, she is preparing for rapture: it seems as if the great minds of the world knew that something may go wrong some days with humans? What if their Bible is true they must have a reason, inspired by the flesh and sponsored by the enemy of their soul they must say: let us prepare for it.

A proactive approach is better, they would not want that day to come upon them suddenly, yet this warning is to us.

If the earth suddenly undergoes ruin, what about the Mars colony? Maybe for the few rich people. But we see the push driven by a company called SpaceX to achieve this. You say this is all conspiracy theory, no it is just my reasoning. Can I say certainly these are being done consciously? NO, but is the handwriting not on the wall? Can we not see the lopsided tides of events streaming into our ears every day.
Man cannot escape God however, I believe God can still catch up with any man He chose to catch up with.

Finally, I ask my readers to kindly and humbly respond to this article without sentiment, notably because I have submitted my opinion in the light of eternity. Is the world preparing for rapture? If she is, are you?

Belshazzar saw the handwriting but only Daniel could read it. There is an encryption of the last time, only the wise and those who know their God can decrypt it.

Oh, Father helps us to read the handwriting on the wall and know that the end has come. Amen.

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