Creative Word: Transformation

Text: Isaiah 9:8 KJV

Further Reading: GENESIS 28:11-22; 32:24-30

The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel.

Isaiah 9:8


The story of Jacob was one that is marked by mercy. Jacob’s record was bad – he was a supplanter and a cheat, he bought his brother’s birthright, and stole his brother’s blessings.

Though the promise of God hangs upon his life, God will not allow the sinner to go unpublished. (Proverbs 11:21).

Jacob paid heavily with his life, he was cheated by Laban who changed his wages ten times. Twenty years of Jacob’s life was spent in servitude, he became polygamous and could have ended up with nothing but for divine intervention. (Genesis 31:41-42).

From the time Jacob left home and his first encounter at Bethel, he had suffered emotionally and physically, his life was almost ruined. This is why I tell you, beloved reader, that you cannot play with sin, though the promise is for you and your children, sin will rob you of your eternal inheritance.

Those today who hides under the guise of grace to sin do not know what true grace is. True Grace is not licentious, it teaches us to live soberly, righteously and godly in this world (Romans 6:1-2, Titus 2:11).

Jacob on his return home was already a wounded man, now he is faced with the greatest fear of his life – his brother Esau who was coming with 400 hundred men. Finally, it looks as if Jacob’s sin has caught up with him.

That same night, God came to Jacob and transformed his life. Jacob wrestled with God, He would not let go without a blessing. God spoke His creative word into Jacob’s life and he became a prince unto God. Maybe you are like Jacob and you have flaunted God’s law and have been a rebel all your life, God’s word can transform your life if only you can surrender to God.

That night at Penuel was no time for argument, Jacob confessed, “I am Jacob” (Genesis 32:27). Can you confess who you are to God and allow Him to transform your life today. This is the day, no procrastination, tell Jesus you need him and you will experience a supernatural transformation.

From being a supplanter, a thief and cheat, to a prince of God. Jacob’s life was transformed by God’s word. He can do the same for you this morning.


I intreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word.

Psalms 119:58

It is only the word of God that transformed and restored a man like Jacob, allow God to speak His to your life today and it shall be well with you.


Father, Please transform my life by your word today.

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