Text: Genesis 25:34 NKJV
Further Reading: Genesis 25:29-34
And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.
Genesis 25:34 NKJV
Every child of God has an inheritance reserved for them. God has kept that which eyes have not seen nor hears heard for those that fully trust in Him. This inheritance the Bible says is incorruptible and undefiled, it is kept for those who will endure to the end (1 Peter 1:4).
While in the world however, situations and conditions of life will come to tempt the believer to give that inheritance up for the present mundane things of this world. The devil attempts to ensure that what God has prepared for His saints is taken away.
In our text and reading of the day, Esau for the present needs sold what was legally his. He sold his birthright to satisfy his throat. The word of God said, he despised his birthright. Something he will later come to search for with tears.
Many in the world today are like Esau, they reject God’s eternal plan of salvation. Though they have heard that God through His Son came to the world to die for their sins. They still chose to live in sin and therefore despised God’s inheritance (John 3:16, 19).
That is why today in the world, you will see young men and women involved in all manners of sinful lifestyles without thinking of the consequence. They would rather like Esau satisfy their present appetite than to wait for God and His provision for them. Such people run to lose everything in the end. Because even if they manage to possess everything the world can give and they lose their souls, they are still the most miserable.
Dear child of God, what God has prepared and reserved for you is bigger than anything the world can offer you. Therefore, do not despise it, cherish and treasure it. Wait on God till the end and you will be satisfied with His fullness.
Remember that even the suffering of this present world cannot be compared to the glory that God has kept for us in Heaven.
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.
Ephesians 1:18 NKJV
Nothing in this world compares to the inheritance God has reserved for everyone who believed in Christ Jesus. May your eyes of understanding be opened to this.
Father, Please help me to value my inheritance in Jesus and never to give it away for anything in the world.