A Blessed Man

Text: Genesis 26:16 NKJV

Further Reading: Genesis 26:16-21

And Abimelech said to Isaac, “Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we.”

Genesis 26:16 NKJV


Everywhere Isaac went he became blessed the more. It must be noted that God blessed the man Isaac in the land not his own.

It was an unusual blessing because the Bible told us that he sowed in the midst of the famine and he had a supernatural harvest. People who are familiar with agriculture know that drought is one of the major cause of famine.

For a man to sow in that condition where the fruitfulness of the land is questionable and yet have such a great harvest can only be attributed to the favour of God.

God did much to prove to men that He is the one blessing Isaac. That first harvest was no coincidence, it was God’s divine input into the life of His blessed man. When Isaac was driven away, he was blessed the more. He began to dig all the blocked wells that were dug in the days of his father and got water.

This should prove to you that no matter where a God-blessed man abides, he will continue to enjoy the divine blessing and favour of God. Our God is mighty and can prove with a man’s life His supernatural ability by turning impossibility into testimony. 

He is the one who can turn deserts into standing pools and make ways in the wilderness (Isaiah 43:18-19). How amazing is it when a man is blessed by the Lord God of the universe? The Bible says if a man’s way pleases God He will make even his enemies be at peace with him. Does your way please God? It is one of the prerequisites for being blessed by the Lord.

Here is my prayer for you dear reader today, God bless you.


He also blesses them, and they multiply greatly; And He does not let their cattle decrease.

Psalms 107:38 NKJV

A blessed man is not only increased greatly but nothing that belongs to him or her to die.


Father, please bless and increase me and do not permit anything to die in my hands again.

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