Text: John 9:3 KJV
Further Reading: John 9:1-41
Whenever God wants to show off His ultimate power, He allows a certain situation that defies all human ability to happen to a person. He would do it in such a way that it would be impossible for man or any machinery of the flesh.
One of such occasion was found in John chapter 11 when Lazarus who was Jesus’ friend was sick unto death. Rather than Christ jumping to go and heal him, he waited until the situation has become humanly impossible. Many people were already questioning if Jesus truly loved Lazarus, but all this was for Christ to glorify the Father.
Are you a true child of God living correctly in the will of God yet you are buffeted by a strange illness or condition that seems to have defied any human intervention, you can relax and rejoice because God will come for you big in the end?
God is not trying to press you down or crush you, He is not even punishing you, all this that is happening in your life and family is because He wants to give you a new song in Jesus’ name.
In our text of the day, we realized that the young man was not born blind because of his sins or that of his family, everything was designed that way for God to show His mighty power. Instead of worrying, turn to God in thanksgiving and your victory will be sure.
The Lord did so much in the young man’s life that he was not only healed but he went on to be a spreader of all the truth about Jesus. He became an instant evangelist. God can do the same for you and give you lasting testimony if only you will turn everything over to Him.
One thing however you must be sure of is that there is no sin in your life. This is because sin brings bondage and affliction, so flee from sin. Sin opens the door of a man’s life to demons and all sorts of oppression.
God works all things together for our good and we are made for His glory. This knowledge will help you to see every one of your troubles as part of God’s dealing in your life and to be sure that the end is glory.
Father, please let your works be made manifest in my life.