Text: James 1:14 NKJV
Further Reading: James 1:13-15
But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
James 1:14 NKJV
The believer is not immune from the temptation to sin but the grace of God which is at work in him allows him to say no to sin (Titus 2:11). The saint has come into a new life in which the natural appetites and desire to sin have been subdued and now he is alive unto righteousness.
If you have not come to this point in your life where you no longer have a raging desire for sin, then it is likely you are still in your old life.
The Bible says that if any man is in Christ, he becomes a new creature, he gets a new life, a new desire, a new way to live, and old things are passed away and behold he is a new man living a new life in His living Saviour (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Even when in reality you have come into the life in Christ, you are not exempted from temptations to go back to your old life of sin. The tempter i.e. the devil does not want to lose any soul and will do anything to bring a saved soul back into his net. He tempts the believer with all manner of sin, to sever the saint from being connected to God.
The devil knows that sin separates a man from God, and through many temptations, he tries to destroy God’s people. You must have found yourself in this box where you need to either make a choice for God or sin, how you respond will determine the outcome of temptation. You will notice that two things usually happen when you say no through the grace of God you have peace within, but guilt follows immediately after you yield to sin.
Beloved God’s desire for us is that we do not sin, He has provided adequate grace for us to escape even some of the hardest of temptations. He promised to make a way for us, therefore earnestly desire His grace when faced with hard choices. A moment of prayer will do, grace and courage will be released to help in that hour of need.
Keep in mind also, that the devil’s attempt is not a one-off thing, he will keep coming back. He will most likely tempt you with what you love the most. Be warned against untamed desires, which may not be sin on their own but may lead you into serious sin.
Check your desires, whatever you cannot do without will most likely attract temptation which may end up putting you in trouble. Always apply the blood of Jesus when you don’t know a way out of a particular temptation.
Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.
James 1:16 NKJV
Do not be deceived, a Christian is not immune from being tempted to sin but God’s grace is available to help on such occasions.
Father, whenever I am being tempted help me to stay faithful to you and not falter.