Text: Joshua 2:8-9 NKJV
Further Reading: Joshua 2:1-24
Now before they lay down, she came up to them on the roof, and said to the men: “I know that the Lord has given you the land, that the terror of you has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants of the land are fainthearted because of you.
Joshua 2:8-9 NKJV
Faith is not the absence of fear but complete confidence in God’s faithfulness and omnipotence. Just as a baby confidently trusts the parents, so does simple faith in God.
Simple faith is simply trusting – a complete abandonment of one’s fate in God’s hand. Many people do not receive from God today because they have become so familiar with God and sophisticated. They have left the era of complete trust in God and now they go about adding 2 plus 2.
Today many people believe that God is able but only a few can stake their all on Him. They would rather work out their own plans and options than truly rely on Him. Look at the faith of the 3 young Hebrew men, they said: “Our God is able to deliver us, and even if He does not, we will still not compromise”.
They placed God above their circumstances. God was their only option, it’s either God save us or we die. Even at that they didn’t shrink but went into the fire believing. God honors such childlike faith, and anywhere He sees it, He acts.
Read through the Bible and you will see many examples of such simple faith that saved nations and people. One such simple faith was that of Rahab. Even though she was not an Israelite, yet she had faith that God will give them the city.
By faith she was saved and her family. The same simple faith earned her a place in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is better to trust in God than to trust in princes. Place all your trust in Christ and He will come true for your big.
Are you weak and heavy-laden, numbered loads of care? Jesus knows your every weakness, simply trust Him to help you fix it all in prayer today.
By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace.
Hebrews 11:31 KJV
Return to the era when you trust God and His words without doubting. Every believer must begin to exercise simple faith in God. Faith saves – if you want salvation, put all your faith in Jesus Christ.
Father, please restore us back to the times when we follow you blindly in simple faith.