Text: 1 Corinthians 9:19 KJV
Further Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more.
1 Corinthians 9:19 NKJV
No mile is too far to go in order to gain the fullness of God. There is no sacrifice too great to make for knowing Him. God is the ultimate reward or crown, therefore you must strive to gain God. Let me remind you that when a man has God as his reward, that person has gotten everything.
This is why you will see men like Paul the Apostle becoming and enduring all things simply so that he might gain Christ. Nobody would ever deny the fact that that sacrifice was mightily rewarded. Paul saw so many great dimensions in God, he wrought so many miracles through God’s power, he burn down high places of the devil in Asia, and finally finished his race on a high note.
Beloved, this must be your aim in life I.e. to do all you can to gain God. The Holy Spirit was meticulous to name men and women who would not accept deliverance, and who would rather suffer cruel death and persecution for the sake of Christ. They are today the heroes of faith, and the Bible made a remarkable statement about them that even though they had died, they are speaking to us (Hebrews 11).
People may call you names for going all the way to seek God, don’t mind what they say but rather go for gold. Those talks are nothing but distractions to get you away from the ultimate goal, instead, go forward and press into deep things of God.
Indeed there are endless possibilities in our God but only those who will passionately seek all of God will come into the fullness of the power of the world to come. Are you satisfied with ordinary Christianity or do you want to join the host of saints who sought God wholeheartedly and found Him?
It is a matter of choice, but I advise that you strive and become great in God. Be ready to do what others are not willing to do to see God the way none other has seen Him. Why should you be small when all things have been given to you by God in Christ Jesus? Go with God an Extra Mile!
When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”
Psalms 27:8 NKJV
Prioritize seeking God above everything and you will be found by Him. The deeper you go in your search the deeper the mysteries of God you encounter, and the more you know God.
Father, I will seek you with all my heart in this season. Help me to stay true to this resolve. Amen.