Text: Exodus 33:15 NKJV
Further Reading: Numbers 14:40-45
Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.
Exodus 33:15 NKJV
As the year winds down and we look forward to the new year, I hear what seems to be an assuring word from the Lord. His presence will go with us into the new year and with us in the new year (Exodus 33:14). This should set your heart to rest.
Though this year may be tough in its own way, better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof. God always reserves the best for the end and a fresh start in the new. No matter how hard this current year is for you, God will still come through for you.
What God is promising is not the company of Angels but He Himself (Hebrews 1:14). Since angels are only ministering spirits sent to minister to us who are the heirs of salvation, God is offering us Himself as the one to lead, guide, and direct us into the new year.
We are not assuming like the children of Israel who wanted to go to possess the Land when the Lord certainly was not with them. As we saw in our reading of the day, victory is only possible when God goes with us. You can be sure that God will go with you into the coming year and you will do great exploit for Him.
There is however a word of caution, you must completely trust Him. Don’t act in unbelief as the Israelites did. They were consumed by the enemies and many of them never entered Canan land. God has given you and your family a great inheritance to possess in the next year. You must get up once to possess the Land.
The next year is certainly blessed. Even when you walk in the valley of the shadow of death, God will be with you and secure you. Never allow fear in your heart but trustingly follow after God into your year of Great Triumphs.
And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.
Exodus 14:15NKJV
You can confidently walk into the new year because you God is with you. If you chose to walk by faith, you will see a God full of grace and power. The next year promises to be the best ever if you go with God in full obedience.
Father, please let your presence go with me into the new year and be with me in the new year.