Text: Genesis 3:10 NKJV
Further Reading: Genesis 3:8-10
So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.”
Genesis 3:10 NKJV
The Bible says that there is no fear in love but perfect love cast away all fear, and anyone who is afraid is made perfect by the love of Christ (1 John 4:18). It is a proven truth that God’s face is angry towards sinners, and such live consistently under the bondage of fear.
The Bible says that Jesus came to deliver sinful men who have all their lifetime been subject to the bondage that comes from fear (Hebrews 2:14-15). When these men and women have been delivered, they have no business being afraid except if they break the law of God.
The God of heaven and earth said in Isaiah 59:1-2 that His hands are not too short that he can not save, nor His ears heavy that He cannot hear but iniquity is the cause of separation between us and God. Honestly, the problem is usually sin. When a man who used to love God and His laws suddenly begins to run, then you must understand that sin has come in.
The Bible says in Romans 8:1 that there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who no longer walk by the flesh in the Spirit. As long as the believer stays in God’s will, he can stand faultless before the throne.
But what happens when the believer becomes afraid to stand in the presence of God? There is only one reasonable possibility, that fellow has fallen into sin. We can see this clearly in our text of the day. Adam and Eve began to hide from God, they became afraid of their creator because they had wronged Him.
Let me tell you this, nothing can replace your complete obedience to God’s will. Nothing on earth or in heaven. Any Christian living in sin will be hiding from God. He will lose interest in reading the word of God that used to be your delight. He will lose interest in prayer and fellowship with the brethren because it’s as if the preaching is directed at him. He begins to hide and live under the torment of fear, because fear has torment.
Beloved, you must work out your salvation with fear and trembling. If you find yourself afraid in the presence of God, then you have to check your life. It’s very possible that you are not fully doing His will. You can not have peace from God when you refuse to yield to God.
Let no man deceive you, there is no peace for the wicked. That’s why I call those who are living in sin to please change their ways and turn to God. Those who are prodigal sons and daughters must return to their Father. God is merciful and gracious, simply ask Him to forgive you and promise Him that you will never return to them. If you keep covering your sins, you will not prosper but if you confess and forsake them, God will have mercy on you (Proverbs 28
The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1 NKJV
If you are in the will of God, you will be bold. But if you deep your hands in sin, you will be in deep fear.
Father, have mercy on me in anyway I have wronged you.