Text: Genesis 9:20-21 NKJV
Further Reading: Genesis 9:20-27
And Noah began to be a farmer, and he planted a vineyard. Then he drank of the wine and was drunk, and became uncovered in his tent.
Genesis 9:20-21 NKJV
Yesterday, we noted how the impact of the failure of Adam is still a big deal even today. Many are still plagued by the consequence of sin that originated from him. The Bible recorded that through one man (Adam), not one woman, sin came into the world and death by sin (Romans 5:12). This is because God gave the position of Authority to the man, and not the woman.
In the divine order, the Bible explains clearly that God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of Man, and then Man is the head of the woman (1 Corinthians 11:3). By default, God expects man to take responsibility for the family, just as Christ took responsibility for the sin of humanity.
It is a true saying that if the head is bad, the whole body will be bad. What this means is that if the father is a misfit, there is a great chance that the entire family suffers badly.
Today, we will be looking at another error of some fathers that has translated into broken families, ruined kids, and damaged society. In our text of the day, we saw how drunkenness became a snare even to a man who was considered righteous.
Noah after the flood planted a vineyard and became drunk, and became naked. That singular act of drunkenness brought a curse on his descendant of Ham. Who would think that a drunken father can lead his children into such a big mess? Well, we see it everywhere today, drunkenness has left many children uncared for and they later became a problem to society.
Whose fault was it that the young naive Ham saw his naked drunken father? That could have even been a mistake, yet Noah cursed Canaan the descendant of Ham. This is a lesson to those who call themselves Christians and still goes to drink themselves to stupor. You may end up damaging the future of your children.
As a Christian father, you are expected not to be drunk with wine, but rather to be filled with the Holy Ghost so that you can bring up your children in the way of the Lord. Never forget also that you are king and priest unto God, therefore, strong wine is not for kings (Proverbs 31:4).
He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; He who loves wine and oil will not be rich.
Proverbs 21:17 NKJV
Alcohol has brought much pain and misery to many families. It has left the majority of it’s prey broken and broke. Pray for fathers who are already addicted to strong drinks and ask God to deliver them today.
Father, please deliver every father who is currently struggling with alcohol. I bind the spirit of drunkenness in their lives in Jesus’ name. Amen.