Can God Boast Of You 3?

Text: Numbers 12:2 NKJV

Further Reading: Numbers 12:1-26

So they said, “Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?” And the Lord heard it.

Numbers 12:2 NKJV


Although Christians may be saved equally by the means of the finished work of Christ at Calvary, yet some climb the height of success in God to the point that God can boast of them. Such Christians must have proven themselves worthy of their Lord. They must have denied themselves of the pleasure the world puts before them and wholly given to their Lord.

The Bible is very clear on God’s love for us humans. It is this love that made Him send His only son into the world to save wretched sinners like you and me. But some people hold special places in God’s heart, and such a man is Moses.

Are you such a man like Moses who forsook all the pleasures and chose to suffer reproach for Christ’s sake? The Bible says that this man Moses forsook Egypt and all its treasures to be a partaker of suffering with God’s people. Moses counted the cost, it was either the throne or the promised land. Even when He could have become the next Pharaoh, the Bible says he refused.

Moses would not settle the things of Egypt, not the fine women, not the pleasures that come with being the most powerful man of his time. He was content to follow the God of his Fathers, even if it meant suffering. God took note of this and this dear man of God began to hold a special place in the heart of the Almighty (Hebrews 11:24-27).

We also know that Moses had an unparalleled personal devotion and consecration to God. He was a man given to knowing God – he once said to God, show me your glory so that I may know you (Exodus 33:18). Moses was not a man who is satisfied with just an ordinary Angel, it was the presence of God that mattered to him (Exodus 33:15-16).

No wonder this man spent a total of 80 days before God without food. To Moses, it was God that mattered. He was an intercessor and shepherd to God’s people. He treasured the covenant of the God Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This man Moses was totally given to God and became God’s intimate friend.

The Bible says in our text and reading of the day that when Miriam and Aron spoke against Moses, it was God Himself who came to defend His friend. Other men like Datham, Korah, and Abihuh also faced the full wrath of God for speaking against Moses.

God boasted of Moses and called him his friend. Moses became a man with whom God spoke mouth-to-mouth as friends do, this is because Moses was faithful in his dealing with God. Let me ask you again, can God boast of you as He did about Moses? Are you so passionate about the things of God that He will be proud of you and call you His friend?

Friendship with God is not automatic, it is earned. Do your best to earn God’s trust and win His friendship. Don’t forget that obedience is the key to achieving this.


So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend…

Exodus 33:11 NKJV

Do you know God personally? Are you sure your name is written in heaven? If you are not sure, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savour by acknowledging and confessing your sins to Him. Ask God to forgive you for Christ’s sake. This will mark the beginning of your relationship with God.


Father, please help me to be faithful to You in my devotion and service to You. Help me to faithfully serve You from today.

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