Text: Genesis 6:5 NKJV
Further Reading: Genesis 6:1-7
Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5 NKJV
It is an undeniable fact that God knows the heart of man. In Psalms 139:2, the Bible says that God knows our thoughts even before we ever imagine them. Therefore, we must know that nothing is hidden before Him whose eyes penetrate even into the depth of human thought.
Our text of the day began by saying that God saw the heart of those men and they then grieved his own heart. It means that God can see a man’s heart and either be happy or sad. The posture of your heart will determine if He will be happy with you.
What thoughts are you producing? Knowing that thoughts produce action, the Christian must do well to guard his thought. You must always allow the light of God’s word to filter those thoughts that spring out of your life.
God will not judge us only for our actions but for our motives I.e. Why we do what we do. No wonder God says that some people only worship with their mouths but their hearts are far away from Him. These are the people who only do lip service but do not truly honor the God they speak about (Matthew 15:7).
That’s why the Lord told us in John 4:23, that God seeks true worshippers who will surrender their will as a means of worship and give their whole heart to worship Him in Spirit and truth. They are those who worship God from their hearts not for what they will get from God but because they love their God.
Which one are you? Are you a true worshipper full of the love of God in your heart or a mere pretender? You must never forget who you are dealing with. Be honest and confess to Him if you have been playing games and not being straightforward with Him.
Those who have not accepted Jesus cannot also worship Him correctly, that is why you must put your trust in Jesus today. He is the one who can make bad hearts good and turn man into a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17).
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12 NKJV
The Bible says that through the word of God, the intent of the heart of a person is known – let your thoughts be x-rayed through the lens of the world of God today.
Father, please search my heart and know my thoughts. Show me the weakness of my heart. Amen