Text: Numbers 14:24 NKJV
Further Reading: Numbers 14:1-24
But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it.
Numbers 14:24 NKJV
The Bible says that God’s eye runs to and fro the earth to find a man whose heart is perfect before Him (2 Chronicle 16:9). This means that God looks for men who are truthful in their profession to Him. Men who give their whole heart to His instructions and do his will.
Every Christian is called on a mission for God, we are called to be His witnesses. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:20, that we are God’s ambassadors. We are called to make His glory known to our generation. But are you doing this? Is your heart perfect in His service?
Many Christian today though claim to be workers in God’s vineyard does it with an imperfect heart. They are not resolute in their commitment to God. At the sight of any challenge, they quickly turn back.
In our text and reading of the day, there we saw the story of Caleb and the other spies. The Bible says that Caleb had another spirit. His heart was fully fixed upon God’s omnipotence. His was a heart full of faith in God’s power and ability. He said, we are able to possess the land, while others gave an evil report.
Men like Caleb had no second option, their hearts totally rests upon God’s power. Because of this attitude, Caleb and Joshua possessed the promised land while others perished in the wilderness. An imperfect heart with God can lead to the forfeiting of God’s blessings.
Those who serve God with imperfect hearts should not expect perfect results from the said service. Caleb did not only maintain this attitude in his youth but also his old age. He fought for and won the mountain of the Lord when he was old.
Dear friend, what is the state of your heart? Are you serving and worshipping God in truth and Spirits, or are you only offering lip service? You must check yourself today, or else you may lose your crown.
And he commanded them, saying, “Thus you shall act in the fear of the Lord, faithfully and with a loyal heart.
2 Chronicles 19:9 NKJV
Please serve the Lord with all your heart and He will come through for you.
Father, please help me to walk with you with a perfect heart.