Text: Matthew 24:12
Further Reading: Matthew 24:9-13
And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
Matthew 24:12 NKJV
From our Bible reading of yesterday, Jesus told us that all we now witness today are the beginning of sorrows. To think about the many people who died during COVID and countless people who died in the recent wars is huge already, yet the Lord said, more troubles are coming.
Although we are not to be afraid. Our response is to remain faithful and be ready for the Lord’s coming. Today we will look closely at another dreadful sign that is already happening in our time. In our text of the day, the Lord spoke about the rise of iniquity that will make the love of many Christians wax cold.
Truly this prophecy is playing out in our time. Many believers are now running a rat race for the material things of this world. It is not as though those things are bad but many people now pursue those things at the peril of their souls.
Apart from finance causing people to lose their spiritual guard, other life challenges seem to be shaking the hearts of many. Many are currently enduring persecution because of their faith in Christ. Please pray for such an individual around you going through such a phase.
Widespread perversion and immorality are also taking hold of so many believers. Many are stuck in the trap of internet entertainment to the point where they have lost their prayer and devotional life.
You must stand your guard as a believer. Not only should you be on guard but to stay fervent in the Lord. There should be no reason for you to relax now. The race is not yet over and only those who endure till the end will be saved. You must keep fighting the good fight of the faith.
Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
Philippians 3:12 NKJV
Keep pressing, no quitting. The race is yet to be over so you can not hang your boot now.
Father, please help me not to get distracted, keep me focus